
Research fields

Our research fields are quite varied and cover many areas of modern micro and macro-economic analysis, such as public economics, game theory, social choice, welfare economics, political economy, economics of health and education, business cycle, international economics, monetary and fiscal policies, labour economics, or micro-econometrics.





  • Alfonso-Costillo A., Morales R. y López Pintado DDoes volunteering increase employment opportunities? Economic Letters, 2021, vol. 203, 109854. 
  • Areal, F.J. and Riesgo, L. (2021) EU Inspections of GM Content in Food and Feed: Are They Effective? Agriculture11, 842.
  • Berdell, J. and José M. Menudo. (forthcoming) “Richard Cantillon’s stabilizing market dynamics, The European Journal of the History of Economic Thought.
  • Bergantiños, G., Moreno-Ternero, J.D., (2021) Compromising to share the revenues from broadcasting sports leagues Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Vol 183, 57-74.
  • Casanova J., F. Felgueroso, J.I. García Pérez & S. Jiménez-Martín (2021): "El perfilado estadístico como instrumento para la evaluación del impacto del programa Incorpora", Cuadernos Económicos de ICE, Vol 102, pp. 189-220.
  • Chambers, C., Moreno-Ternero, J.D., (2021) Bilateral redistribution Journal of Mathematical Economics, Vol. 96.
  • Chronopoulos, D., Kampanelis, S., Oto-Peralías, D. and Wilson, J. (forthcoming) "Ancient Colonialism and the Economic Geography of the Mediterranean", Journal of Economic Geography.
  • Contini, B., J. I. García Pérez, T. Pusch, & R. Quaranta (2020): "Long term non-employment: A comparative exploration on Italy, Germany and Spain. Is it a lifetime disease?", Politica Economica / Journal of Economic Policy, Vol. 2-2020, pp. 229-257.
  • Costa-Junior, C., García-Cintado, A., Hidalgo-Pérez M.A. (2021), Political Cycles in Latin America: More Evidence on the Brazilian Economy. Latin American Economic Review 30(8).
  • Gergaud, O., Ginsburgh, V., Moreno-Ternero, J.D., (2021) Wine ratings: seeking a consensus among tasters via normalization, approval and aggregation Journal of Wine Economics, Vol 16, No. 3, 321-342.
  • González, Paula, Passarelli Francesca, and M. Socorro Puy. “A theory on party discipline and vote switching by legislators”. European Journal of Political Economy, Volume 66, 101960, 2021.
  • R.M. González, G. A. Marrero, Á. S. Marrero, Jesús Rodríguez López: “Convergence in Road Transport CO2 Emissions in Europe”. Energy Economics, Vol. 99, July 2021, 105322.
  • Gorjón, S. De la Rica and  Antonio Villar (forthcoming), El Coste Social del Desempleo en España. El Discreto Encanto de la Recuperación Económica. Fundación BBVA.
  • Herrero, C. and Antonio Villar "Opportunity advantage between income distributions", Journal of Economic Inequality, Online July 2021.
  • Herrero, C. and Antonio Villar "Dealing with Categorical Data in a Multidimensional Context. The Multidimensional Balanced Worth", Social Science Research, vol. 26, Article 102561, 2021. 
  • Herrero, C. and Antonio Villar "Group decisions from individual rankings: The Borda-Condorcet rule", European Journal of Operational Research,  vol. 291, pp. 757-765, 2021
  • Hidalgo-Hidalgo, MarisaJiménez, Natalia and Lopez-Pintado, Dunia. (2021) "Social influence and position effects." Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Vol.182, 113-31.
  • Hidalgo-Pérez M.A., Molinari B. (2021), The effect of routine-biased technical change on wage inequality, Sinappsi, XI, n.3, pp.60-73.
  • Ju, B-G., Kim, M., Kim, S., and Moreno-Ternero, J.D., (2021) Fair international protocols for abatement of GHG emissionsEnergy Economics, Vol. 94. 105091.
  • López-Pintado, Dunia and Meléndez-Jiménez Miguel A., "Far above others", Journal of Economic Theory, forthcoming.
  • Menudo, J. M. and F. López-Castellano. (forthcoming) “Robert Owen’s Quest for the ‘New Moral World’ in a Non-Industrialized Country”, History of European Ideas.
  • Moreno-Ternero, J.D., Vidal-Puga, J., (2021) Aggregator operators for dynamic rationing European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 288, No. 2, 682-691.
  • Osuna, V. & J.I. García-Pérez (2021): "Temporary layoffs, short-time work and COVID-19: the case of a dual labour market", Applied Economic Analysis, Vol. 30-90, pp. 248-262.
  • Rebollo-Sanz, Y.F. and De la Rica, S. (forthcoming) “Gender gaps in skills and labor market outcomes: evidence from the PIAAC” Review of Economics of the Household.
  • Rebollo-Sanz, Y.F. & J.I. García-Pérez (2021): "Evaluación de impacto de políticas activas de empleo para colectivos de difícil inserción laboral", Cuadernos Económicos del ICE, vol. 102, pp. 157-187.
  • Rebollo-Sanz, Y., J. Rodríguez-López, and N. Rodríguez-Planas, (2021) “Penalty-Point System, Deterrence and Road Safety: An Empirical Approach”.  Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, vol. 190, October 2021, 408-433.
  • Villar, A. (2021) “Formación Superior y Mercado Laboral: La Universidad Española frente a la Cuarta Revolución Industrial”. Forthcoming in Papeles de Economía Española.


  • Albarrán, P. Hidalgo-Hidalgo, M. and I. Iturbe-Ormaetxe. (2020) “Education and health: is there a causal effect?” Social Science and Medicine, 249, 112830.
  • Bergantiños, G., and Moreno-Ternero, J.D., (2020) “Sharing the revenues from broadcasting sport events.Management Science, 66, No. 6, 2417-2431.
  • Bergantiños, G., and Moreno-Ternero, J.D., (2020) “Allocating extra revenues from broadcasting sport leaguesJournal of Mathematical Economics, Vol. 90, 65-73.
  • García Pérez, J.I. and S. Rendón (2020): “Family Job Search and Wealth: The Added Worker Effect Revisited”, Computational Economics 11-4 (2020): 1431-1459.
  • Garzón Delvaux, Pedro A., Laura Riesgo, and Sergio Gomez y Paloma. (2020) “Are small farms more performant than larger ones in developing countries?”. Science Advances41: eabb8235.
  • Gomez y Paloma, Sergio, Laura Riesgo, and Kamel Louhichi. (2020) The Role of Smallholder Farms in Food and Nutrition Security. Springer Nature, 2020.
  • González, Paula. “On the design of equity-oriented pharmaceutical copayments”. SERIEs-Journal of the Spanish Economic Association2 (2020): 179-202.
  • Gorjón, L., S. de la Rica and Antonio Villar (2020), The cost of unemployment from a social welfare approach: the case of Spain and its regions, Social Indicators Research, vol. 150, pp. 955-976.
  • Herrero, C., J. Pineda, Antonio Villar and E. Zambrano (2020), Tracking progress towards accessible, green and efficient energy: The Inclusive Green Energy index, Applied Energy,
  • Herrero, C. and Antonio Villar (2020), A synthetic indicator on the impact of COVID-19 on the community’s health, PLOS ONE, 15 (9), 2020: e0238970.
  • Marrero, G., Jesús Rodríguez-López, and Marina González. (2020) “Dieselization, CO2 emissions and fuel taxes in Europe”. SERIEs Journal of the Spanish Economic Association, vol. 11, 203-241.
  • Molis-Bañales , Elena, Jiménez, Natalia,  and Solano-García, Angel. (2020) "The Effect of Initial Inequality on Meritocracy: A Voting Experiment on Tax Redistribution. " Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 175: 380-394.
  • Martínez, R. and Antonio Villar (2020), Educational achievements in the OECD according to PISA 2018, Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal, vol. 7(9), pp. 486-498.
  • Menudo, J. M. (2020) “Sir James Steuart on the “Infancy of Banking”: Financial System and Economic Development”, Research on Economic Thought and Methodology 38C: 71-86.
  • Menudo, J. M. and Nicolas Rieucau. (2020) “The Rural Economics of René de Girardin: Landscapes at the Service of l’idéologie Nobiliaire”, Journal of the History of Ideas, 81(3): 429-449.
  • Moreno-Ternero, J.D., Tsay, M-H, and Yeh, C-H, (2020) “A strategic justification of the Talmud rule based on lower and upper bounds”, International Journal of Game Theory, Vol. 49, No. 4, 1045-1057.
  • Oto-Peralías, Daniel. (2020) "Frontiers, Warfare and Economic Geography: The Case of Spain". Journal of Development Economics. 146, 102511.
  • Rebollo-Sanz, Y.F. and Rodríguez-Planas, Núria. (2020) "When the Going Gets Tough…: Financial Incentives, Duration of Unemployment, and Job-Match Quality," Journal of Human Resources 55(1), 119-163.
  • Rebollo-Sanz, Y.F (2020). “Brechas de género en competencias cognitivas y desempeño laboral: evidencia internacional a través de PIAAC" en Mujeres y Economía: la brecha de género en el ámbito económico y financiero, Ministerio de Asuntos Económicos y Transformación Digital Ed.
  • Villar, Antonio (2020), On the Wondrous Behaviour of Rats and Researchers, Modern Economy, vol. 11, pp. 10-16.


  • Chambers, C., and Moreno-Ternero, J.D., (2019) “The division of scarce resources” in Laslier, J.-F., Moulin, H., Sanver, M.R., Zwicker, W.S. (eds.), The Future of Economic Design. Studies in Economic Design. Springer, Cham.
  • Díaz, Antonia, Gustavo A. Marrero, Luis A. Puch, Jesús Rodríguez-López. (2019) “Growth, Energy Intensity and the Energy Mix”. Energy Economics 81, June, 1056–1077.
  • García Pérez, J.I., I. Marinescu and J. Vall-Castello. (2019) "Can Fixed-Term Contracts Put Low Skilled Youth on a Better Career Path? Evidence from Spain", The Economic Journal, 129-620: 1693–1730.
  • García Pérez, J.I. and J. Mestres Domènech. (2019) “The Impact of the 2012 Spanish Labour Market Reform on Unemployment Inflows and Outflows: a Regression Discontinuity Analysis using Duration Models” Hacienda Pública Española / Review of Public Economics 231-4: 157-200.
  • Ginsburgh, V., and Moreno-Ternero, J.D., (2019) “A lingua franca in the post-Brexit EU”. Cuadernos Económicos de ICE, Vol. 98, 131-145. Lead article of the volume.
  • González, Marina, Gustavo Marrero, Ángel S. Marrero, and Jesús Rodríguez-López. (2019) “Analyzing CO2 emissions from passenger cars in Europe: A dynamic panel data approach”. Energy Policy 129, June, 1271-1281.
  • Herrero, C., J. Pineda, Antonio Villar and E. Zambrano (2019), “Green Economy Measurements and Indicators”, Chapter 10, in: Eaton, D., and Sheng, F. (Eds.), Inclusive Green Economy: Policies and Practice, Dubai, Shanghai: Zayed International Foundation for the Environment and Tongji University.
  • Herrero, C., R. Martínez and Antonio Villar (2019), “Population structure and the Human Development Index”, Social Indicators Research, vol. 141, pp. 731-763.
  • Hidalgo-Hidalgo, M. (2019) “Childhood-related policies and adult poverty: Evidence from some European countries” Social Indicators Research 144 (1): 191-217.
  • Menudo, J. M. (2019) The Economic Thought of Sir James Steuart. First Economist of the Scottish Enlightenment. London: Routledge.
  • Menudo, J. M. (2019) “Jean-Baptiste Say et l’intervention de l’État: le commerce international, les crises et le développement économique”, in André Tiran et Dimitri Uzunidis (dir.), Libéralisme et protectionnisme. Économie politique des relations internationales, Bruxelle. Peter Lang: 153-168.
  • Menudo, J. M. and Mª O'kean (2019) “Ediciones, reediciones, traducciones y reimpresiones en español del Tratado de Economía Política de Jean Baptiste Say”, Revista de Historia Económica - Journal of Iberian and Latin American Economic History, 37(1), (2019): 169-192.
  • Menudo, J. M. and Mª O'kean. (2019) “El mercado de empresarios en la historia del pensamiento económico. Historia de un fracaso”, Investigaciones de historia económica - Economic History Research 15(2): 69-77.
  • Mesa-Ruiz, David, Yolanda Rebollo-Sanz and Jesús Rodríguez-López. (2019) “Hidden figures behind two-vehicle crashes: An assessment of the risk and external costs of drunk driving in Spain”. Accident Analysis and Prevention 127, 42-51.


  • Astigarraga, J. and Menudo. (2018) “Condorcet en Espagne : à propos d’une traduction manuscrite de l’Esquisse”, Dix-huitième siècle, 50: 431-448.
  • Bentolila, S., García Pérez and M. Jansen. (2018) "El paro de larga duración de los mayores de 45 años", Papeles de Economía Española, 156: 30-46.
  • Borrego-Marín, María del Mar, Laura Riesgo, and Julio Berbel. (2018). “Methodology and Criteria for the Allocation of Reused Water in Agriculture”. Multicriteria Analysis in Agriculture, Springer: 185-198.
  • Dahm, Matthias, González Paula, and Nicolás Porteiro. (2018) “The Enforcement of Mandatory Disclosure Rules”. Journal of Public Economics 167: 21-32.
  • De la Rica, S and Rebollo-Sanz, Y.F. (2018) "Brechas de género en competencias cognitivas: evidencia internacional". Cuadernos Económicos ICE Nº95.
  • Felgueroso, F., García Pérez, M. Jansen and D. Troncoso-Ponce. (2018) "The surge in short-duration contracts in Spain", De Economist, 166: 503–534.
  • Felgueroso, F., García Pérez and M. Jansen. (2018) "La contratación temporal en España: nuevas tendencias, nuevos retos", Papeles de Economía Española, 156; 10-24.
  • Ginsburgh, V., and Moreno-Ternero, J.D., (2018) “Compensation schemes for learning a lingua franca in the European Union.” The World Economy, Vol. 41, 1775-1789.
  • González de San Román, A. and Rebollo‐Sanz, Y.F. (2020) "An Estimation Of Worker And Firm Effects With Censored Data" Bulletin of Economic Research70(4), 459-482.
  • Herrero, C., and Antonio Villar. (2018) “The Balanced Worth: A procedure to evaluate performance in terms of ordered attributes”, Social Indicators Research, vol. 140, pp. 1279-1300. 
  • Herrero, Antonio Villar and A. Soler (2018). Oportunidades de Empleo y Renta en España 2007-2016: El impacto de la crisis, Fundación Ramón Areces. 
  • Herrero, Antonio Villar and A. Soler (2018). Las Facetas del Bienestar: Una aproximación multidimensional a la calidad de vida en España y sus comunidades autónomas 2006-2015, Fundación BBVA.
  • Hidalgo-Hidalgo, M. and I. Iturbe-Ormaetxe (2018) “Long-run effects on poverty of public expenditure” The Journal of Economic Inequality 16(1), 1-22.
  • Izquierdo S. S., Izquierdo Luís and Dunia López-Pintado (2018). “Mixing and Diffusion in a Two-Type Population.” The Royal Society Open Science, 5:172102.
  • Jiménez, Natalia, Rodriguez-Lara, Ismael, Tyran, Jean-Robert and Wengströmd, Erik. (2018) "Thinking fast, thinking badly." Economics Letters 162: 41-44. 
  • Ju, B-G., and Moreno-Ternero, J.D., (2018) “Entitlement theory of justice and end-state fairness in the allocation of economic goods.Economics and Philosophy, Vol. 34, 317-341.
  • Menudo, J. M. (2018) “Sir James Steuart on the Origins of Commercial Nations”, Journal of the History of Economic Thought, 40 (4): 561-578.
  • Menudo, J. M. (2018) “Turgot, Smith and Steuart on Stadial Histories”, Revue d'histoire de la pensée économique, 5: 217-242.
  • Moreno-Ternero, J.D., (2018) “A Talmudic approach to bankruptcy problems” in Mueller, D., and Trost, R., (eds.), Game Theory in Management Accounting. Contributions to Management Science. Springer, Cham.
  • Oto-Peralías, Daniel. (2018) "What Do Street Names Tell Us? The “City-Text” as Socio-Cultural Data". Journal of Economic Geography, 18 (1): 187–211.
  • Rebollo-Sanz, Y.F (2018) “El Modelo de Perfilado Estadístico: Una Herramienta Eficiente para caracterizar a los demandantes de Empleo" en Perfilado Estadístico: un método para diseñar políticas activas de empleo, Felgueroso F., García Pérez, J.I y Jiménez S. (Coord.), Fundación Ramón Areces Ed.
  • Seth and Antonio Villar. (2018) “Human Development and Poverty: Theoretical Approaches”, in C. D’Ambrosio (Ed), Handbook of Research on Economic and Social Well-being, Edward Elgar, 2018, pp. 104-125. 
  • Seth and Antonio Villar. (2018) “Human Development and Poverty: Empirical Findings”, in C. D’Ambrosio (Ed), Handbook of Research on Economic and Social Well-being, Edward Elgar, 2018, pp. 126-152. 
  • Villar, Antonio. (2018) “Rendimiento, Equidad y Calidad: El desarrollo educativo en España según PISA 2015”, Cuadernos Económicos, nº 95, pp. 79-97.