Spanish Society of Ecological Agriculture (SEAE)

This private non-profit association was created in 1992, and has inspired in other Spanish scientific-technical organisations. It is aimed at joining the efforts of farmers, technicians, scientists and other agents towards the development of sustainable systems of agricultural production, based on the environmental and socioeconomic principles of agro-ecology. Leer más …

Sociedad Cooperativa Andaluza Ganadera del Valle de los Pedroches (COVAP)

This stockbreeding co-operative is located in the region of los Pedroches and the Parque Natural de Las Sierras de Cardeña y Montoro. One of the organisation’s main objectives is to valorise the produce of its members, for which efficient production, collection, processing and commercialisation are encouraged.

The co-operative has at present over 14,000 members, with representatives in the General Assembly elected in preparatory meetings. Leer más …


Siemens is the leading company worldwide in innovative solutions for the energy, industry and health care sectors.

The company’s mission is to generate wealth in a sustainable manner, innovating in the technological, entrepreneurial and social environments and contributing to the success of its customers and the improvement of society. Leer más …

Sistemas Avanzados de Tecnología (SATEC)

This Spanish multinational company works in the implementation of technological solutions and specialises in providing advanced services in the IT sector. Since its creation in 1987, the company has pursued a close relationship with its customers through the application of innovative processes, means and technologies, thus contributing to the improvement of its customers’ productivity and competitiveness.

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Created in 1974, Construcciones Sánchez Domínguez holds a place among the largest construction companies in Spain while progressively increasing its multinational dimension.

The company’s mission is to ensure maximum quality, viability, and an excellent relationship with customers and suppliers in the construction, infrastructural, environmental and promotion services it provides.

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S.E. Carburos Metálicos, S.A.

Created in 1897, the company’s first factory, dedicated to the production of calcium carbide, was installed in Berga (Barcelona). Progressively the company grew and production increased. In 1927 a plant for the production of acetylene was built, following the constitution of ‘La Sociedad Hidroeléctrica del Pindo’, the construction of a new factory in Cee, etc.

For over a century, Carburos Metálicos has been an active agent in Spain’s growth and development. The company’s innovative philosophy has guaranteed Carburos Metálicos a leading position in the private sector. Leer más …

Research Aprorca

This young company was created in 2007 for the development of new services and products in the chemical and environmental sectors.

The company offers consultancy services encompassing a wide range of sectors and products.
They also specialise in the introduction of new products into the Spanish market, and are currently working on the distribution and commercialisation of the cosmetic family of products Natural Heaven. Leer más …


This technological company, attached to the University of Seville and operating in cooperation with other research groups and companies in the agrarian sector, works in the generation of knowledge and the development and transference of technology. The company works with microorganisms with the aim of offering good quality, efficient, and environmentally minded biotechnological solutions to the agro-alimentary, energy and environmental sectors. Leer más …