Mediterranean Institute for Sustainable Development (IMEDES)

IMEDES was born to answer the great challenge of our times: balancing environmental sustainability and economic development.

It offers society all kinds of services targeted towards sustainable economic development, fundamentally grouped around three main areas of activity: education, consultancy and research.

The basic aim is to contribute to the strengthening of institutions and organisations involved in environmental management and to participate in the key process of entrepreneurial awareness demanded by the current situation. Leer más …

Granada Professional Association of Veterinarians

This publicly constituted organisation groups all vets who professionally render their services in the province of Granada.

Its main objects are the monitoring of the profession and a full compliance with ethical principles, the improvement of the scientific proficiency of its members and the cooperation with other institutions and administrations towards better health care for animals and persons, the improvement of our livestock, the environment and the protection of consumers. Leer más …

Igfotón Ingenieros

This group specialises in advanced energy engineering, committed to sustainability through knowledge and the use of technology in the clean energy and energy efficiency sectors.

It develops its activities through several firms, the specialisation of which allows it to offer a wide range of energy services and specialised products to help customers to compete in the international market. Leer más …

Agrarian and Fishing Technologies Research and Education Institute (IFAPA)

The Institute is attached to the Regional Council of Agriculture and Fishing, Junta de Andalucía, for furthering the interest of the agrarian, fishing and aquiculture sectors in Andalusia.

It aims at the promotion of efficient and realistic policies, focused on research, technological innovation and education regarding fishing, agricultural and alimentary policies. Leer más …

Spanish and Latin American University Coalition ‘Grupo La Rábida’

This was created following a cooperation agreement signed by several universities in a meeting hosted by the University Internacional de Andalucía (Spain) in 1995. This agreement was made effective on 4th April 1997 in Catamarca (Argentina) under the label Grupo La Rábida.

The objective of the group is the strengthening of academic, scientific, technological and cultural cooperation between members, in order to reinforce university links and promote the interaction of Spanish speaking countries. Leer más …

Rural Development Group ‘Corredor de la Plata’

This is a non-profit organisation in charge of managing regional rural development policies. This includes the administration of EU funds (FEDER) and regional government grants aimed at promoting economic diversification and the creation of jobs, wealth and quality of life in rural communities. It includes the councils of Aznalcóllar, El Castillo de las Guardas, Castilblanco de los Arroyos, El Garrobo, Gerena, El Madroño and El Ronquillo. Leer más …


Created with the aim of promoting the use of renewable energy in Spain, in particular geothermal energy (with which the company is directly involved), the ultimate aim of this company is to facilitate change towards a more sustainable lifestyle and energy consumption patterns. GeoEnergy belongs to the Finnish group LAMPOASSA, leader in the manufacture of geothermal heat pumps. Leer más …