
This company is active in the environmental market, with the mission of identifying, assessing and implementing specific programmes – including design, planning, development, supervision and management – tailored to the needs of companies and institutions regarding environmental policies. Leer más …


This is a European organisation which includes institutions for the conservation of the environment from 38 countries.

Europarc-España was created with the aim of facilitating and promoting the relationship between natural parks within Spain and at the international level for the development of common projects, cooperation between protected natural spaces – especially in the field of information and education – and the supply of advisory services to public administrations in all issues related to the improvement of protected natural spaces. Leer más …

School of Industrial Organisation (EOI)

EOI was created on 12th July 1955 by agreement of the Spanish ministries of Education and Industry. It was the first business school in Spain and one of the earliest in Europe. It is the first business school to offer an official degree in Environmental Business.

It has played a key role in the modernisation of the Spanish economy and industry, and has also made significant contributions to the formation of Spanish executives. Leer más …

Era7 Information Technologies

The mission of this firm is to provide solutions and advanced services in the fields of bio-computer science and information technology for the different branches of the medical sector.

Its business philosophy is the creation of specific and specialised solutions for the medical sector, with the comparative advantage offered by Era7 knowledge, and its derived products and services. The development of specialised software is a key branch within the company’s activity. Leer más …

Environmental Cloud Solutions

The company is located in the Scientific-Technological Park of Aljaraque (Huelva). Its objectives are research, design and innovation of web-based applications for environmental management and industrial organisation services on the internet, following the SOA (Service oriented architecture) or the Cloud Computing models. Leer más …

ENEA (Agenzia nazionale per le nuove tecnologie, l´energia e lo sviluppo economico sostenibile de Italia)

ENEA is directed towards research, innovation technology and advanced services in the fields of sustainable economic development and energy, especially nuclear energy. These activities are carried out with the funds, instruments and personnel supplied by the former Italian National Agency for New Technologies. Leer más …