Andalusian Centre for Innovation in IT and Communication Technologies (CITIC)

The Centre’s activity focuses on R+D in the IT sector, developing projects to respond to the technological needs of the economic structure and society. Its projects aim at helping companies to consolidate their international projection, improving their competitiveness and contributing to social progress. In this sense, the CITIC follows strict internal quality, efficiency, professionalism and environmental criteria, thus achieving excellence in their daily activity. Leer más …

UNESCO Professorship in Conflict Resolution, University of Cordoba

This professorship was created after the initiative of the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation and the Chancellor of the University of Córdoba. It is intended that this position become a teaching and research reference for professionals and academics involved in the analysis of conflict resolution.

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Casa Mediterráneo

Casa Mediterráneo provides a common arena in which to express and disseminate the multiple cultural expressions embraced by the Mediterranean. It was created in order to support public policies abroad, serve the interests of citizens and promote a balanced understanding with our northern and southern neighbours, with a view to ultimately consolidating our common Mediterranean identity and strengthening our bonds of friendship, trust and cooperation. Leer más …

Casa Árabe

Casa Árabe and its attached International Institute for Arabic and Muslim Studies has two seats, in Madrid and Córdoba. It was created as a consortium on 6th July 2006 with the participation of the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, the Spanish Agency of Cooperation for Development, the regional governments of Madrid and Andalusia and the councils of Madrid and Córdoba. Leer más …

BTM Biotecnología de Microalgas

BTM was created in 2006 with the object of cultivating an intensive development and research programme for the production and valorisation of products based on microalgae.

It produces and distributes microalgae and derived products for aquiculture, human nutrition and nutraceutical purposes. It also develops an intense research programme aimed at exploring new applications, technologies and processes for its own products and for other firms.
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Biotronic Advance Develops

Biotronic Advance Develops is an innovative technological company working in the field of bioelectronics. Its main occupation is the development of wide ranging R+D programmes, spanning from basic biotechnology research projects to the commercialisation of the final products thus developed. Though mostly interacting with the medical sector, it also works in other areas such as consultancy for scientific-technological infrastructures and the design and development of research and educative technological tools for a number of public and private bodies. Leer más …

BioGolden Solutions

BioGolden is a young technological company created under the umbrella of the programme ‘Campus of the Agency of Innovation and Entrepreneurship’, promoted by the Junta de Andalucía.

Its intangible assets include several patents and an important scientific and technical know-how. It has a key presence in the nutraceutical sector, providing its customers with the best nutritional ingredients, scientifically selected for their properties and for the natural sustainability of their production.
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BioAvan I+D+i

BioAvan is a R+D company aimed at offering its customers the latest research tools for a wide range of R+D sectors.

It offers specialised professional consultancy and learning services for companies in the agro-alimentary, environmental and biotechnological sectors, while constantly renewing and improving their services. Leer más …