Arco Latino

Among the targets of this association are the creation of a space for the political cooperation of second level institutions, the articulation of a coherent and common discourse in the Mediterranean, which has been very fragmented to date, and ensuring that Europe does not neglect the south; all this through the contribution of both a pan-Mediterranean and a local perspective to policy making.

Member institutions thus join a forum for the promotion of their assets and for the external projection of their actions within a common strategy and towards a well defined aim. Leer más …

Andalusian Association of Rural Estates, Game Preserves and Environmental Workers

This professional association includes agents in the rural estates and the game preserves sectors.

Its main objective is the defence of a rational and sustainable use of the natural environment, and all activities will therefore maintain the strictest respect for the environment, the balance between local animal and plant populations and the protection of local and endangered species. Leer más …

Andalucía Emprende (Consejería de Empleo – CEIC)

Andalucía Emprende is a foundation attached to the Junta de Andalucía, the mission of which is to promote the development of an entrepreneurial culture in the Andalusian economy, with the ultimate aim of helping to create competitive companies and high quality jobs in our region.

It was created in 1999, and initially its target was the creation and consolidation of Andalusian companies working in the social economy sector. Leer más …

Air Liquide

Created in 1909, this company is world leader in production and marketing of industrial and medical gases. It was originally created under the name Sociedad Española de Oxígeno.

Its branches are present throughout the country, incorporating a large number of experienced employees and a wide distribution network. With its 40,000 customers and its ample offers in gases and related services, Air Liquide works with practically all industrial sectors, including laboratories, the food sector, the environment, aeronautics, water treatment, glass and many others. Leer más …

National Meteorological Agency (AEMET – MMARM)

Attached to the Spanish Ministry for the Environment and Rural and Marine Environments, through the State Secretariat of Global Change, this body currently assumes the functions performed by the former National Institute of Meteorology (INM), an institution with over 140 years of history. Its aims are the development, implementation and supply of meteorological services of national scope and the thorough support of public policies and private initiatives contributing to the safety of persons and goods and the well being and sustainable development of Spanish society.

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Andalusian Agency of Innovation and Development (IDEA)

Originally conceived as a regional development agency, IDEA has become a specialised instrument for the encouragement of innovation in Andalusian society. For this, the agency’s main efforts focus on supporting Andalusian entrepreneurs through the management and granting of economic incentives, the management of projects and programmes launched from the Regional Council of Economy, Innovation and Science and the construction of industrial and technological infrastructures. Leer más …

Andalusian Agency for External Promotion (EXTENDA)

EXTENDA is an instrument created by the Andalusian government for the implementation of policies of external promotion. These policies, with the participation of economic and social agents, will form the nucleus around which the work of all institutions involved in external promotion is coordinated.

The agency’s work is channelled through public and private initiatives for the international promotion of the Andalusian economy. Leer más …