Andalusian Energy Agency

This public body is attached to the Regional Council of Economy, Innovation and Science. It was created with the aim of developing Andalusian energy policies, in order to optimise the region’s supply from the energetic, economic and environmental points of view.

Its role is to coordinate and promote the achievement of the targets set forth in the Junta de Andalucía’s (Regional Government) energy policies. Leer más …


Auxiliar de la Distribución Eléctrica, S.A. is a firm focused on electrical engineering, energy and IT.

Aditel is currently present in most Spanish regions, and abroad. The ‘state-of-the-art’ equipment and computer monitoring systems enables both a 24h emergency service and important investments in the latest technology, making the company one of the most profitable and successful in its sector. Leer más …


A technological firm focused on creating innovative solutions for sustainable development in the infrastructure, environment and energy sectors. Based in Seville and present in over 70 countries worldwide, ABENGOA is divided into five branches: Solar Energy, Bioenergy, Environmental Services, IT and Industrial Engineering. This is the only Andalusian firm which maintains a permanent presence in Brussels for the capture of funds from the Framework Programme 7 (FP7) promoted by the European Union. Leer más …

Sixto Malato, investigador del CIEMAT y codirector del CIESOL, galardonado con el premio Jaume I a la Investigación en la Protección del Medio Ambiente

Sixto Malato Rodríguez, investigador de la Plataforma Solar de Almería y codirector del CIESOL centro de investigación mixto de la Universidad de Almería y el CIEMAT ha sido galardonado con el premio Jaime I de Investigación en la modalidad de protección del medio ambiente.
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