Fundación Centro de las Nuevas Tecnologías del Agua (CENTA)

Con una trayectoria investigadora y empresarial avalada por quince años de experiencia en el sector de la depuración y el tratamiento de las aguas residuales a pequeña escala, forma parte, hoy en día, del amplio listado de Agentes del Conocimiento de la Sociedad Andaluza, al ser Centro de Investigación, plataforma de transferencia de tecnologías y conocimientos y agente dinamizador de la sociedad a través de la educación ambiental y la promoción de la participación pública en todo lo relativo a la gestión del agua.

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UICN Mediterráneo

The main environmental reference worldwide, UICN-Med is characterised by the development of new formulae directed towards sustainable development. In the General Assembly celebrated in 1994 in Buenos Aires, UICN established the need to create a Cooperation Centre and a framework programme for cooperation in the Mediterranean region. Since that time, members have worked ceaselessly to develop and deploy this programme. Leer más …

Sistemas Avanzados de Tecnología (SATEC)

This Spanish multinational company works in the implementation of technological solutions and specialises in providing advanced services in the IT sector. Since its creation in 1987, the company has pursued a close relationship with its customers through the application of innovative processes, means and technologies, thus contributing to the improvement of its customers’ productivity and competitiveness.

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Diawling National Park

This national park was created in Mauritania on 24th June 1976 and declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1989. It covers approximately 65 km of coastline, and extends around 30 km to the interior. The most representative fauna are cormorants, gazelles and hyenas. It also has a rich archaeological heritage, in particular shell middens, in some cases several kilometres long and tens of metres high.

The preservation of biodiversity in the low Delta and the valorisation of the cultural features of its indigenous peoples are among its main objects. Leer más …

Botanical Garden, Córdoba

The Institute of Environmental Management, Jardín Botánico de Córdoba, IMGEMA, is focused on the study of the vegetal world, involved in actions and projects aimed at the preservation and cultural dissemination of environmental values. It embraces social, educational and scientific functions through visits, cultural events, exhibitions, talks, conferences, scientific and popular publications, programmes for the preservation of Andalusia’s phytogenic resources and plant research. Its two main facilities belong to Cordoba City Council: Jardín Botánico and Molino de Martos. Leer más …

Jane Goodall Institute

The Institute was created by Dr Jane Goodall in 1977. Its Spanish branch was opened in October 2006. It currently hosts a multidisciplinary team, with special emphasis on the study of primates (from a biological, anthropological and psychological perspective) but also including teachers, ornithologists, botanists, environmentalists, chemists, economists, journalists and fans of nature. Leer más …

Foundation Naturalia XXI

The aims of this foundation are: the promotion and development of the project Naturalia XXI, a scientific, cultural, educational, productive and sustainable environmental complex in the Isla de la Cartuja and its environment; the restoration of natural areas with environmental and recreational value; the promotion and dissemination of Andalusia’s environmental values; and the coordination between administrations, public bodies and other institutions involved in the project Naturalia XXI. Leer más …