Fundación Migres

This non-profit private organisation was created in 2003 and endorsed by the Junta de Andalucía. Its main objective is to create a meeting point for experts, institutions and groups for the study, dissemination and conservation of nature, with particular regard to bird migrations, and also to promote socio-economically significant activities based on a sustainable use of natural resources, again with special regard to the migrations of birds or other species. Leer más …

Foundation González Bernáldez

This university-based foundation was created in 1996 on the initiative of the Universities Complutense, Autónoma de Madrid and Alcalá and of a number of professors grouped around the figure of Fernando González Bernáldez and the Ecology Departments of these universities.

The aim of the foundation is to compile, disseminate and develop the teachings of Professor Fernando González Bernáldez, in his threefold commitment to ecological research, environmental education and the preservation of nature, from the basis of the utmost scientific rigour.
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This is a European organisation which includes institutions for the conservation of the environment from 38 countries.

Europarc-España was created with the aim of facilitating and promoting the relationship between natural parks within Spain and at the international level for the development of common projects, cooperation between protected natural spaces – especially in the field of information and education – and the supply of advisory services to public administrations in all issues related to the improvement of protected natural spaces. Leer más …

Participative Council of Doñana

This institution was created for the coordination of all administrations and citizens in the management of the Natural Space of Doñana. It is administratively attached to the Regional Council of Environment.

Its aims include cooperation towards achieving the fulfilment of the targets set out in the declaration of Doñana as a Natural Space, and the dissemination of its values. Leer más …

Comité Andaluz de Reservas de la Biosfera Programa MaB (UNESCO)

This is an international programme for scientific research and training created by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) in 1971.

Its main aim is the conciliation of biodiversity and the sustainable use of natural resources. It proposes an agenda for interdisciplinary research and training towards an improved global relationship between human beings and their environment. Leer más …

Technological Center for Sustainable Development Doñana 21

This centre was given the accreditation as Agent of the Andalusian Knowledge Network (awarded by the Regional Council of Economy, Innovation and Science, Junta de Andalucía).

Its object is to become a social and technological tool for Andalusia’s economy within sustainable and responsible development parameters.

The managing committee currently includes the Foundation Doñana 21, the Association of Councils of Doñana and 14 public and private bodies committed to sustainable development. Leer más …

Sistemas Avanzados de Tecnología (SATEC)

Multinacional española integradora de soluciones tecnológicas y especializada en servicios avanzados asociados a las nuevas Tecnologías de la Información. Desde 1987 ha promovido la cooperación con sus clientes a través de la innovación en procesos, medios y tecnologías contribuyendo al cambio, la productividad y la competitividad en los negocios.

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UICN Mediterráneo

Es el principal referente medioambiental del mundo y se caracteriza por la búsqueda de fórmulas para hacer efectivo el desarrollo sostenible. En la Asamblea General celebrada en 1994 en Buenos Aires, la UICN concreta la necesidad de un Centro de Cooperación y un programa marco de actuación para la región mediterránea. Desde entonces, sus miembros han trabajado conjuntamente para profundizar y definir dicho programa. Leer más …