Centro de Estudios Paisaje y Territorio (CEPT)

CEPT was created in 2005 by agreement between the Regional Council for Public Works and Transport, attached to the Junta de Andalucía, and the Universities of Seville, Granada, Málaga, Córdoba, Cádiz, Almería, Huelva, Jaén, Internacional de Andalucía and Pablo de Olavide. The creation of this centre answers the need to promote cooperation between the Regional Council for Public Works and Transport and Andalusia’s public universities, thus encouraging a positive interaction between research teams, scholars and teachers involved in landscape and territory management issues. Leer más …

UNESCO Professorship in Conflict Resolution, University of Cordoba

This professorship was created after the initiative of the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation and the Chancellor of the University of Córdoba. It is intended that this position become a teaching and research reference for professionals and academics involved in the analysis of conflict resolution.

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Casa Mediterráneo

Casa Mediterráneo provides a common arena in which to express and disseminate the multiple cultural expressions embraced by the Mediterranean. It was created in order to support public policies abroad, serve the interests of citizens and promote a balanced understanding with our northern and southern neighbours, with a view to ultimately consolidating our common Mediterranean identity and strengthening our bonds of friendship, trust and cooperation. Leer más …

Casa Árabe

Casa Árabe and its attached International Institute for Arabic and Muslim Studies has two seats, in Madrid and Córdoba. It was created as a consortium on 6th July 2006 with the participation of the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, the Spanish Agency of Cooperation for Development, the regional governments of Madrid and Andalusia and the councils of Madrid and Córdoba. Leer más …

Spanish Association of Ecological Economy

Created for the nationwide promotion and coordination of teaching and research in ecological economics, the main aim of the Spanish Association of Ecological Economy is to develop synergies among researchers and teachers of ecological economics, as well as encouraging their interaction with European and other international institutions.

Since one of its main aims is the multidisciplinary and cross-disciplinary analysis of economic, environmental and social problems the Association includes not only economists, but experts from all fields interested in an ecological world vision. Leer más …

UICN Mediterráneo

Es el principal referente medioambiental del mundo y se caracteriza por la búsqueda de fórmulas para hacer efectivo el desarrollo sostenible. En la Asamblea General celebrada en 1994 en Buenos Aires, la UICN concreta la necesidad de un Centro de Cooperación y un programa marco de actuación para la región mediterránea. Desde entonces, sus miembros han trabajado conjuntamente para profundizar y definir dicho programa. Leer más …

Comité Andaluz de Reservas de la Biosfera Programa MaB (UNESCO)

Programa internacional dedicado a la investigación científica y a la formación creado por la Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Educación, la Ciencia y la Cultura (UNESCO) en 1971.

Trata de conciliar la conservación de la biodiversidad y los recursos naturales con el uso sostenible de los mismos. Propone una agenda de investigación interdisciplinaria y de formación de capacidades para mejorar la relación de la gente con su ambiente en forma global. Leer más …