Soluciones para el Medio Ambiente, SMA S.L.

This company works in the dissemination, valorisation and dynamisation of the natural, historical, artistic, ethnographical and scientific heritage with the aim of increasing awareness and informing the public.

Following its own innovative methodology, the company assumes projects affecting a wide scope of fields, always in search of new and imaginative solutions. Leer más …


Rapidly growing company which aims at channelling, promoting and facilitating commercial and research partnerships between Spanish and European companies and research centres. Additionally, it participates in the commercialisation of highly innovative products from the fields of environmental protection and energy efficiency. Leer más …

Aggregates and Related Manufacturers Association (AFA)

A professional association at the regional level based in Malaga, this is also a member of ANEFA and a full member of the Confederación de Empresas de Andalucía. With over a hundred members from all regions within Andalusia, it works towards the unity of the sector in Andalusia before new environmental, planning and mining challenges. Leer más …

Spanish Biotechnology Society (SEBIOT)

This works in the promotion and organisation of scientific meetings, the creation of networks to facilitate contacts between bio-technologists and other scientists and technicians, the encouragement of research and knowledge transference in bio-technology, the establishment of cooperation agreements with public and private scientific organisations, the advocacy of interaction with other countries – especially within the EU – and in short, the comprehensive promotion of bio-technology in Spain. Leer más …

Andalusian Health and Enviroment Observatory (OSMAN)

This stands as a regional reference for the compilation and dissemination of environmental and healthcare related information, and for the promotion of environmental healthcare research. The aim of this organisation is to advocate a healthy environment, contributing to the defence of nature through the promotion of research, education and awareness. Leer más …

Soluciones para el Medio Ambiente, SMA S.L.

Empresa dedicada a comunicar, divulgar, interpretar, poner en valor y dinamizar el Patrimonio natural, cultural, histórico, artístico, etnográfico o científico, con el fin de informar, sensibilizar, concienciar y educar a la población. A través de su metodología de trabajo propia, pueden abordar un extenso rango de proyectos, buscando siempre nuevas e imaginativas soluciones. Leer más …

Sociedad Española de Biotecnología (SEBIOT)

Se encarga de promover y organizar reuniones científicas, favorecer el contacto entre biotecnólogos y otros científicos y técnicos, potenciar la investigación y facilitar la transmisión de conocimientos en Biotecnología, canalizar las relaciones de colaboración con entidades científicas públicas y privadas, fomentar el intercambio con otros países, especialmente en el marco de la U.E. y patrocinar publicaciones científicas, con la finalidad de promover en España el desarrollo de la Biotecnología en todas sus ramas y actividades. Leer más …