Botanical Garden, Córdoba

The Institute of Environmental Management, Jardín Botánico de Córdoba, IMGEMA, is focused on the study of the vegetal world, involved in actions and projects aimed at the preservation and cultural dissemination of environmental values. It embraces social, educational and scientific functions through visits, cultural events, exhibitions, talks, conferences, scientific and popular publications, programmes for the preservation of Andalusia’s phytogenic resources and plant research. Its two main facilities belong to Cordoba City Council: Jardín Botánico and Molino de Martos. Leer más …

Andalusian Institute of Historical Heritage (IAPH)

This public agency is attached to the Regional Council of Culture, Junta de Andalucía.

With its recent renovation, the regional government answers the need to strengthen and update an institution which stands as an international reference in the cultural heritage sector.

Its aims remain, however, intact: research, innovation, development and transference. Leer más …

Andalusian Institute of Technology (IAT)

IAT is a technological centre for engineering and knowledge management which was constituted as a private foundation and has been declared as having public value. It offers intensive services for the generation of knowledge, and produces its own technology.

IAT’s mission is to help companies and institutions to improve their results in a sustainable manner, adding value through the supply of innovative solutions.

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Agrarian and Fishing Technologies Research and Education Institute (IFAPA)

The Institute is attached to the Regional Council of Agriculture and Fishing, Junta de Andalucía, for furthering the interest of the agrarian, fishing and aquiculture sectors in Andalusia.

It aims at the promotion of efficient and realistic policies, focused on research, technological innovation and education regarding fishing, agricultural and alimentary policies. Leer más …

Foundation Observatorio Español de Acuicultura (OESA)

This non-profit independent public research foundation operates at the national level, and is endorsed by the Spanish Ministry for the Environment and Rural and Marine Environments. Its main objective is to promote cooperation between all fields involved in aquiculture. Leer más …

Andalusian Foundation for Aerospace Development – Advanced Center of Aerospace Technology

This centre is aimed at responding to the development challenges confronted by the aerospace sector.

The creation of the centre coincided with the leap ahead in competitiveness experienced by the sector, reflected in the generation of knowledge, the management of intellectual property connected with R+D, and the impetus given to technological innovation. It plays an important role in cooperation with the university and the industrial sector, most particularly in support of small and medium businesses.
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Technological Center for Sustainable Development Doñana 21

This centre was given the accreditation as Agent of the Andalusian Knowledge Network (awarded by the Regional Council of Economy, Innovation and Science, Junta de Andalucía).

Its object is to become a social and technological tool for Andalusia’s economy within sustainable and responsible development parameters.

The managing committee currently includes the Foundation Doñana 21, the Association of Councils of Doñana and 14 public and private bodies committed to sustainable development. Leer más …