Water Technological Center (CETaqua)

This institution coordinates, manages and executes research projects aimed at offering private companies and the public administrations innovative solutions for the environmental and technological problems involved in the integral management of the water cycle.

It aims to become a regional, national and international reference in the generation of knowledge and the development of technologies involved in the integral management of the water cycle. Leer más …

Advanced Technological Centre of Renewable Energy (CTAER)

CTAER is a technological centre, the main aim of which is to contribute to the development of technologies involved in the exploitation of renewable energy.

The centre’s projects are mostly focused on increasing the efficiency and reducing the costs of basic renewable resources, such as solar radiation, wind or biomass, which are particularly abundant in Andalusia. Leer más …

Andalusian Centre for Innovation and Technology Transference (CITAndalucía)

CITAndalucía is a public company attached to the Regional Council of Economy, Innovation and Science, Junta de Andalucía, the object of which is to promote technological innovation in Andalusia through the transference of knowledge and through interaction with companies, institutions and research groups involved with the EU’s R+D programmes.

Its key aims are: to promote the transference of technology at the regional, national and international level and to encourage the participation of Andalusian companies, centres and research groups in European projects (Framework Programmes). Leer más …

Centro de Estudios Paisaje y Territorio (CEPT)

CEPT was created in 2005 by agreement between the Regional Council for Public Works and Transport, attached to the Junta de Andalucía, and the Universities of Seville, Granada, Málaga, Córdoba, Cádiz, Almería, Huelva, Jaén, Internacional de Andalucía and Pablo de Olavide. The creation of this centre answers the need to promote cooperation between the Regional Council for Public Works and Transport and Andalusia’s public universities, thus encouraging a positive interaction between research teams, scholars and teachers involved in landscape and territory management issues. Leer más …

Andalusian Environmental Centre (CEAMA)

CEAMA is a centre managed by the Junta de Andalucía and the University of Granada, open to collaboration with R+D and management institutions, especially in Andalusia. The centre focuses its research on environmental issues, from basic knowledge to key and applied processes, and on means and techniques relevant for the sustainable exploitation of natural resources and the improvement of living conditions. Leer más …

Andalusian Centre for Innovation in IT and Communication Technologies (CITIC)

The Centre’s activity focuses on R+D in the IT sector, developing projects to respond to the technological needs of the economic structure and society. Its projects aim at helping companies to consolidate their international projection, improving their competitiveness and contributing to social progress. In this sense, the CITIC follows strict internal quality, efficiency, professionalism and environmental criteria, thus achieving excellence in their daily activity. Leer más …

Jardín Botánico de Córdoba

El Instituto Municipal de Gestión Medioambiental, Jardín Botánico de Córdoba, IMGEMA, es una institución dedicada al estudio del mundo vegetal, que realiza funciones y proyectos encaminados a la conservación y difusión cultural de la naturaleza. Se aúnan en él funciones sociales, didácticas y científicas que se desarrollan a través de visitas, programas educativos, actos culturales, exposiciones, conferencias, congresos, publicaciones científicas y de divulgación, programas de conservación de recursos fitogenéticos andaluces e investigación botánica. Leer más …

Instituto Andaluz del Patrimonio Histórico (IAPH)

Agencia pública dependiente de la Consejería de Cultura de la Junta de Andalucía.

Su transformación responde a la apuesta del Gobierno andaluz por una institución que se ha consolidado como referente internacional en el ámbito del patrimonio cultural y que precisaba de una reorganización más flexible y actual.

Mantiene como objetivos esenciales la investigación, innovación, desarrollo y transferencia. Leer más …