Spanish Society of Ecological Agriculture (SEAE)

This private non-profit association was created in 1992, and has inspired in other Spanish scientific-technical organisations. It is aimed at joining the efforts of farmers, technicians, scientists and other agents towards the development of sustainable systems of agricultural production, based on the environmental and socioeconomic principles of agro-ecology. Leer más …

Jane Goodall Institute

The Institute was created by Dr Jane Goodall in 1977. Its Spanish branch was opened in October 2006. It currently hosts a multidisciplinary team, with special emphasis on the study of primates (from a biological, anthropological and psychological perspective) but also including teachers, ornithologists, botanists, environmentalists, chemists, economists, journalists and fans of nature. Leer más …

Granada Professional Association of Veterinarians

This publicly constituted organisation groups all vets who professionally render their services in the province of Granada.

Its main objects are the monitoring of the profession and a full compliance with ethical principles, the improvement of the scientific proficiency of its members and the cooperation with other institutions and administrations towards better health care for animals and persons, the improvement of our livestock, the environment and the protection of consumers. Leer más …


This is a European organisation which includes institutions for the conservation of the environment from 38 countries.

Europarc-España was created with the aim of facilitating and promoting the relationship between natural parks within Spain and at the international level for the development of common projects, cooperation between protected natural spaces – especially in the field of information and education – and the supply of advisory services to public administrations in all issues related to the improvement of protected natural spaces. Leer más …

UNESCO Professorship in Conflict Resolution, University of Cordoba

This professorship was created after the initiative of the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation and the Chancellor of the University of Córdoba. It is intended that this position become a teaching and research reference for professionals and academics involved in the analysis of conflict resolution.

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Spanish Association of Ecological Economy

Created for the nationwide promotion and coordination of teaching and research in ecological economics, the main aim of the Spanish Association of Ecological Economy is to develop synergies among researchers and teachers of ecological economics, as well as encouraging their interaction with European and other international institutions.

Since one of its main aims is the multidisciplinary and cross-disciplinary analysis of economic, environmental and social problems the Association includes not only economists, but experts from all fields interested in an ecological world vision. Leer más …

Ilustre Colegio Oficial de Veterinarios de Granada

Corporación de derecho Público que agrupa a todos los Licenciados en Veterinaria que realizan sus tareas profesionales en el ámbito de la provincia.

Tiene como objetivos principales la ordenación de la profesión, la salvaguarda de los principios deontológicos, la mejora del nivel científico de sus miembros y la colaboración con otros organismos y administraciones en la consecución de la salud de las personas y los animales, la mejora de la ganadería, la atención al medio ambiente y la defensa de los consumidores. Leer más …