Confederación Hidrográfica del Guadalquivir

This is the institution responsible for the programming and execution of hydraulic public works of national interest affecting the regions of Castilla-La Mancha, Extremadura, Murcia, Ceuta and Melilla or Andalucía.

The hydrologic plan currently underway is the main instrument for water management and for the achievement of the current environmental and consumption targets, and it is an essential tool for the implementation of the EU’s Framework Directive for water management. Leer más …

Comité Andaluz de Reservas de la Biosfera Programa MaB (UNESCO)

This is an international programme for scientific research and training created by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) in 1971.

Its main aim is the conciliation of biodiversity and the sustainable use of natural resources. It proposes an agenda for interdisciplinary research and training towards an improved global relationship between human beings and their environment. Leer más …

Casa Mediterráneo

Casa Mediterráneo provides a common arena in which to express and disseminate the multiple cultural expressions embraced by the Mediterranean. It was created in order to support public policies abroad, serve the interests of citizens and promote a balanced understanding with our northern and southern neighbours, with a view to ultimately consolidating our common Mediterranean identity and strengthening our bonds of friendship, trust and cooperation. Leer más …

Casa Árabe

Casa Árabe and its attached International Institute for Arabic and Muslim Studies has two seats, in Madrid and Córdoba. It was created as a consortium on 6th July 2006 with the participation of the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, the Spanish Agency of Cooperation for Development, the regional governments of Madrid and Andalusia and the councils of Madrid and Córdoba. Leer más …

Andalucía Emprende (Consejería de Empleo – CEIC)

Andalucía Emprende is a foundation attached to the Junta de Andalucía, the mission of which is to promote the development of an entrepreneurial culture in the Andalusian economy, with the ultimate aim of helping to create competitive companies and high quality jobs in our region.

It was created in 1999, and initially its target was the creation and consolidation of Andalusian companies working in the social economy sector. Leer más …

National Meteorological Agency (AEMET – MMARM)

Attached to the Spanish Ministry for the Environment and Rural and Marine Environments, through the State Secretariat of Global Change, this body currently assumes the functions performed by the former National Institute of Meteorology (INM), an institution with over 140 years of history. Its aims are the development, implementation and supply of meteorological services of national scope and the thorough support of public policies and private initiatives contributing to the safety of persons and goods and the well being and sustainable development of Spanish society.

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