Nufarm España S.A.

This company is attached to the Australian group Nufarm Ltd., which develops and commercialises top quality products for the agrarian sector and green zones.

The Nufarm Group, leader in crop protection, is present in all markets worldwide, and has production plants in Australia, New Zealand, Asia, Europe and the U.S. Leer más …

Granada Professional Association of Veterinarians

This publicly constituted organisation groups all vets who professionally render their services in the province of Granada.

Its main objects are the monitoring of the profession and a full compliance with ethical principles, the improvement of the scientific proficiency of its members and the cooperation with other institutions and administrations towards better health care for animals and persons, the improvement of our livestock, the environment and the protection of consumers. Leer más …

Agrarian and Fishing Technologies Research and Education Institute (IFAPA)

The Institute is attached to the Regional Council of Agriculture and Fishing, Junta de Andalucía, for furthering the interest of the agrarian, fishing and aquiculture sectors in Andalusia.

It aims at the promotion of efficient and realistic policies, focused on research, technological innovation and education regarding fishing, agricultural and alimentary policies. Leer más …

Foundation Observatorio Español de Acuicultura (OESA)

This non-profit independent public research foundation operates at the national level, and is endorsed by the Spanish Ministry for the Environment and Rural and Marine Environments. Its main objective is to promote cooperation between all fields involved in aquiculture. Leer más …

Andalusian Federation of Agrarian Co-operatives (FAECA)

FAECA was officially created in December 1995 to represent Andalusian agrarian cooperatives, particularly significant following the cooperative movement emerging in the mid 1980s.

Its membership includes almost all agro-industrial Andalusian cooperatives.

The main challenge for the federation is to facilitate customer access to the members’ products, projecting them into the market. Leer más …