CEI CamBio signs an agreement with Fundación ONCE and the Ministerio de Educación for the social integration of the disabled

CEI CamBio has signed an agreement with the Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte and Fundación ONCE to advance towards the social integration of the disabled, within the framework of cooperation established between these two institutions and the university.

Along with other related work avenues, CEI CamBio was selected in the 2011 call of Programme Campus de Excelencia Internacional to develop a series of actions towards the rehabilitation, adaptation and improvement of accessibility in university facilities, within the Subprograma de Fortalecimiento (Colaboración Público-Privada).

Within this framework, CamBio has decided to focus on a project for the creation of information-adapted positions in the IT rooms and libraries of coalition members. Reading locations will be adapted to students with visual and motor disabilities. These will be reached through accessible, obstacle-free itineraries. Equipment, hardware and software will also be especially adapted.

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