CEI CamBio sponsors the International Conference ‘Mujeres y TICs: Inclusión Digital para el Desarrollo Sostenible;

The director of CamBio, Pilar Paneque, was invited to represent the coalition in the international meeting ‘Mujeres y TICs: inclusión digital para el desarrollo sostenible’, celebrated at the Universidad Tecnológica de Panamá between the 18th and 20th of July, with the lecture (imparted through streaming) ‘La innovación en la investigación en las Ciencias y las Tecnologías: nuevos modelos de cooperación internacional para el Desarrollo Sostenible’. The conference included participants from France, Mali, Switzerland, Mexico, Nigeria, USA, Afghanistan and Brazil.

This international meeting, also sponsored by the Organización de Estados Americanos, Millennia2015 WeHealth and Genos Global, among others, has been the launching platform for the worldwide initiative ‘Mujeres Globales: Iniciativa Sur-Sur de Inclusión Digital’ born from the need to find solutions to the digital and genre gap still existing in developing countries and emerging economies. The main target is to promote the participation of women in new technologies in connection to healthcare, education and sustainable development through inter-regional public-private partnerships.

During the conference the Red Global de Mujeres en Telemedicina (Wetelemed) was simultaneously launched in Nigeria and Panama. It is the first achievement of this private-public initiative supported by universities, private firms, NGOs, international organisations and government agencies in Latin America, the Caribbean, Africa and Asia.

CamBio’s participation in the initiative ‘Mujeres Globales: Iniciativa Sur-Sur de Inclusión Digital’ is undertaken within the framework of the CEI’s preferential relationship with Panama – where the campus is physically present with its premises in the Ciudad del Saber – through which CamBio aims at strengthening its links with the Espacio Iberoamericano del Conocimiento.

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