CamBio TV starts operations through CEI CamBio’s website

Within the framework of the financial agreement reached two years ago between CEI CamBio and the European Foundation for Information Society – for the promotion of actions related to information society and the media in the field of teaching and research – CamBio TV has initiated operations through the CamBio website. These actions are also integrated within the framework of the Programa Campus de Excelencia Internacional, Ministerio de Educación (Modalidad Colaboración Público–Privada).
The portal cambiotv is currently adding new contents – organised around the six areas of the project’s specialisation – with the aim of increasing the amount of information available, not only for the member organisations, but also for the wider public.
Some of the contents already available are as follows: those in connection with the Area Climate Change and Water Resources (videos on subterranean water resources, on the results of the project Water and Territories, etc.); Biodiversity and Socio-Ecosystems (ecological wealth of the hill ranges in the southern Iberian Peninsula); Renewable Energy (new possibilities for the collection of energy generated by sea waves and sea currents); Ecological Production (ecological agriculture and ethical banking in Andalusia, etc.); Healthcare and Environmental Technology (possibilities in biotechnological research).
Henceforth, and once the necessary technical tests have been run, the utmost efforts will be made to increase the available contents along the lines established in the agreement, which is aimed at the creation of Internet Corporate Television (IP_TV) devices at CEI CamBio as instruments of teaching, the dissemination of knowledge, and the international projection of the campus.


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