Technological Research Centres and Corporations

Advanced Technological Centre of Renewable Energy (CTAER)
Agrarian and Fishing Technologies Research and Education Institute (IFAPA)
Andalusian Centre for Innovation and Technology Transference (CITAndalucía)
Andalusian Centre for Innovation in IT and Communication Technologies (CITIC)
Andalusian Environmental Centre (CEAMA)
Andalusian Foundation for Aerospace Development – Advanced Center of Aerospace Technology
Andalusian Health and Enviroment Observatory (OSMAN)
Andalusian Institute of Historical Heritage (IAPH)
Andalusian Institute of Technology (IAT)
Andalusian Technological Corporation (CTA)
Botanical Garden, Córdoba
Centre of Services for European Affairs in Andalusia (CESEAND)
Centro de Estudios Paisaje y Territorio (CEPT)
Foundation Centre of New Water Technologies (CENTA)
Foundation Observatorio Español de Acuicultura (OESA)
Institut Europeu de la Mediterránia (IEmed)
LEITAT Technological Center
Technological Center for Sustainable Development Doñana 21
Water Technological Center (CETaqua)