CamBio constitutes a branch in Panamá to reinforce its international presence

Pilar Paneque, Director of CEI CamBio, has travelled to Panamá to constitute its CamBio branch, with a view to reinforcing the project’s international presence and to initiating avenues of cooperation in environment and biodiversity related projects with the Espacio Iberoamericano del Conocimiento.

This branch will be shared with BKC Barcelona Knowledge Campus, Campus Studii Salamantini, and Health Universitat de Barcelona Campus HUBc, opening an excellent route of cooperation with the other Spanish projects of excellence. Funding of 1.3 million Euro has been provided by the Spanish Ministry of Education, within the framework of the Programme Campus de Excelencia Internacional (CEI).

CamBio’s branch in Panamá is strategically situated in the ‘Ciudad del Saber’, a centre of international excellence for research, innovation and education which incorporates the Tecnoparque Internacional de Panamá, an industrial park with long experience in the promotion of innovation and the transference of knowledge and research results, and a Business Accelerator. Both of these are referential models for the development of some of CamBio’s actions.

The ‘Ciudad del Saber’ is located within the Reverted Areas near to the Channel of Panama, in the former military base of Clayton, where today dozens of organisations carry out their programmes and interact to contribute to the integral development of Latin America. Among the organisations with which CamBio will share a space the following should be highlighted: United Nations Development Programme, Health Research International; Organización de Estados Iberoamericanos para la Educación, la Ciencia y la Cultura, Secretaria General Iberoamericana; International Fund for Agricultural Development and International Centre for Sustainable Development.

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