Unión General de Trabajadores (UGT)

Defined as an eminently working-class institution, UGT is organised according to trade and profession. In order to ensure cohesion, the utmost ideological and practical freedom is encouraged among its members, in so far as they strive towards the transformation of society according to the principles of social justice, equality and solidarity.

Since its legalisation as a trade union in 1977, it has been organised as a nested federation divided into territorial and national units.

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A savings bank with an eminently social vocation, Unicaja is the result of merging several savings banks: Monte de Piedad y Caja de Ahorros de Ronda, Cádiz, Almería, Málaga, Antequera and Jaén.

No Andalusian financial institution invests a larger volume of its resources in such a wide range of educational, cultural, recreational and welfare related initiatives, as a reflection of its solid commitment with the economic and social development of its environment.

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UICN Mediterráneo

The main environmental reference worldwide, UICN-Med is characterised by the development of new formulae directed towards sustainable development. In the General Assembly celebrated in 1994 in Buenos Aires, UICN established the need to create a Cooperation Centre and a framework programme for cooperation in the Mediterranean region. Since that time, members have worked ceaselessly to develop and deploy this programme. Leer más …

Latin American Scientific Agro-Ecology Society (SOCLA)

Regional organisation created for the support of the agro-ecological movement in Latin America. The organisation’s main objective is to fuel the debate and scientific exchange of agro-ecological information between scholars and researchers in the region, for the promotion of joint actions with other organisations also involved in the development of agro-ecology. Leer más …

Spanish Society of Ecological Agriculture (SEAE)

This private non-profit association was created in 1992, and has inspired in other Spanish scientific-technical organisations. It is aimed at joining the efforts of farmers, technicians, scientists and other agents towards the development of sustainable systems of agricultural production, based on the environmental and socioeconomic principles of agro-ecology. Leer más …

Sociedad Cooperativa Andaluza Ganadera del Valle de los Pedroches (COVAP)

This stockbreeding co-operative is located in the region of los Pedroches and the Parque Natural de Las Sierras de Cardeña y Montoro. One of the organisation’s main objectives is to valorise the produce of its members, for which efficient production, collection, processing and commercialisation are encouraged.

The co-operative has at present over 14,000 members, with representatives in the General Assembly elected in preparatory meetings. Leer más …