
Company created in 1941 for the production of domestic cleaning products.
It is world leader in the sector.

The company’s facilities stand as an example of modernisation, technology, quality and efficiency in all productive processes.

The company’s commitment to research, development and innovation, alongside its determined bet for quality and environmental respect, are the key factors to ensure a prosperous future. Leer más …

Diawling National Park

This national park was created in Mauritania on 24th June 1976 and declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1989. It covers approximately 65 km of coastline, and extends around 30 km to the interior. The most representative fauna are cormorants, gazelles and hyenas. It also has a rich archaeological heritage, in particular shell middens, in some cases several kilometres long and tens of metres high.

The preservation of biodiversity in the low Delta and the valorisation of the cultural features of its indigenous peoples are among its main objects. Leer más …

Research and Development Park Dehesa de Valme

This park not only stands as a source of knowledge but also as a transmission channel between the different steps of the scientific innovation system, in which the university and the social environment are particularly relevant.

The main aim of the park is therefore to insert a centre of technological excellence and research, innovation and university facilities into a residential environment with the purpose of generating innovation and technology flows. Leer más …

Scientific-Technological Park GEOLIT

This is an already functioning scientific-technological park, with an extension of over half a million square metres, open to all innovative companies and institutions.

It offers a space to all companies and institutions with an innovative orientation, regardless of size and sector. Companies can either buy a plot of land, and build their own facilities, or they can rent office or warehouse space. Leer más …

Scientific-Technological Park Huelva (PCTH)

This is a new instrument developed in order to attract companies committed to innovation as the formula for growth and also to the environment, creating high quality jobs and thus becoming fundamental in a drive towards development.

This space of excellence, designed as a modern infrastructure open to new technologies and to innovation, has been tailored to host those companies and institutions that believe in a new concept of technopolis, in which renewable energy and respect for the environment will be of paramount importance. Leer más …