Foundation González Bernáldez

This university-based foundation was created in 1996 on the initiative of the Universities Complutense, Autónoma de Madrid and Alcalá and of a number of professors grouped around the figure of Fernando González Bernáldez and the Ecology Departments of these universities.

The aim of the foundation is to compile, disseminate and develop the teachings of Professor Fernando González Bernáldez, in his threefold commitment to ecological research, environmental education and the preservation of nature, from the basis of the utmost scientific rigour.
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Foundation Forja XXI

This public/private charity was created by the public company in charge of the management of Seville’s 1992 Universal Exhibition. The target sought was to continue with the educational projects previously carried out by this institution, thus making the most of the already available human and material resources. It operates in Andalusia.

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Foundation Ecología y Desarrollo (ECODES)

Ecodes is an independent non-profit organisation working towards sustainable development in all dimensions, economic, social and environmental.

The foundation interacts with social agents for the development of initiatives towards the promotion of sustainable development and social progress. Its work is based on professional insight and a critical and innovative approach.

Its aim is to become a significant actor capable of involving a growing number of agents.
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Foundation of Islamic Culture (FUNCI)

FUNCI is a Spanish scientific-cultural non profit organisation, registered as a private cultural foundation in the Directory of Cultural Foundations kept by the Spanish Ministry of Culture, and as non-governmental organisation in the Spanish Agency of International Cooperation for Development, attached to the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation.

Its member researchers contribute from their different areas to an open and universal approach to culture, in which dialogue, solidarity and tolerance play a key role. Leer más …

Foundation Cultura de Paz

This foundation is aimed at promoting the transformation of a culture of violence and imposition to one of peace and tolerance. It organises courses, meetings and workshops based on the idea of peace and culture – covering issues such as the origin of conflict, democracy and human rights. Leer más …

Foundation Congreso Nacional de Medio Ambiente (CONAMA)

Created by the Physics’ Professional Association, CONAMA is a non-profit organisation, the main aim of which is the organisation of the National Environmental Conference, targeted at the promotion of sustainable development.

Since the first edition of CONAMA in 1992, the professional association created this institution in order to facilitate the participation of different institutions in this ever growing event. Leer más …

Fundación Carolina

Fundación Carolina was created for the promotion of cultural relationships and the educational and scientific cooperation between Spain and the Latin American countries, and also with other counties with which special historical, cultural or geographical links exist. It gives priority to areas such as culture, education, science and technology as essential fields for the promotion of international cooperation, economic development and the struggle against poverty, and which stand as the only guarantee for a peaceful and free future. Leer más …

Foundation Campus Tecnológico de Algeciras

This institution was created by the Regional Council of Innovation, Science and Entrepreneurship, the Regional Council of Education and Employment, Junta de Andalucía, the University of Cádiz and the city council of Algeciras, as a response to the social needs for economic development of the Bay of Gibraltar, through an innovative programme integrating education, research and innovation within the principles of the ‘society of knowledge’. Leer más …