Confederación Hidrográfica del Guadalquivir

This is the institution responsible for the programming and execution of hydraulic public works of national interest affecting the regions of Castilla-La Mancha, Extremadura, Murcia, Ceuta and Melilla or Andalucía.

The hydrologic plan currently underway is the main instrument for water management and for the achievement of the current environmental and consumption targets, and it is an essential tool for the implementation of the EU’s Framework Directive for water management. Leer más …

Andalusian Confederation for the Social Economy (CEPES Andalucía)

This private body, created in 1993, laterally embraces diverse organisations (federations, associations, foundations) bringing together Andalusian companies and professionals in the social economy sector.

Its main aims are to defend the interests of its members and represent them as active social agents, and to promote the expansion of this economic model as a way to create employment and achieve a more just society and a better distribution of wealth. Leer más …

Sevilian Confederation of Entrepeneurs

This offers professional federal and cross-sector federation, created under the Law for the Regulation of Trade Unions for the coordination, representation, management and defence of the interests of entrepreneurs at the provincial level. It cooperates with local institutions for the development of the province, signing agreements for the promotion of the role of entrepreneurs and highlighting their key part in economic development. Leer más …