Asociación de la Industria Fotovoltaica (ASIF)

Asociación privada sin ánimo de lucro que nace el 17 de abril de 1998. Su objetivo principal es potenciar, prestigiar y desarrollar el sector fotovoltaico, aportando sus conocimientos y experiencia al mercado español y a las autoridades responsables, tanto a nivel estatal como autonómico y local. Con su actividad, pretende vertebrar a las empresas de la Industria Solar Fotovoltaica y conseguir que este tipo de energía en España alcance todo su potencial, y contribuya de forma importante a la consecución de los objetivos medioambientales establecidos.

2 thoughts on “Asociación de la Industria Fotovoltaica (ASIF)

  1. Dear Mr. Vicente Salas,

    I am a student, studying at ETH Zürich, Switzerland, and I am currently writing my Master’s Thesis on the topic of solar PV.

    Besides Switzerland we would like to analyze the Spanish solar PV market. Thus, I found a report where I could find the ASIF as a reference for the following information that were provided within this report:

    1. Distribution of sizes of solar PV systems in Spain.
    2. Prices of solar PV systems in Spain.

    While the information that is provided is already helpful, I am generally looking for more detailed information such as:

    1. Distribution of sizes of solar PV systems in Spain over time and separated into smaller categories.
    2. Prices of solar PV systems in Spain over time, divided into module price and rest (BOS).

    Given that the report specified you institution as a certain data source (ASIF) I was wondering if you maybe still have the data I was referring to above. If so I would be really happe about maybe an email with an excel file or whatever data document form.

    Thank you so much already in advance and best regards to Spain,


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