
Ambulance-Materials characterisation laboratory for Environment, Agriculture and Historical Heritage


Ambu-LAB is a protable laboratory for in-site analysis of environmental, agricultural simples and for materisl in historic heritage. It has the ability to sample from large areas (104 m2), thorugh the middle scale (1 m2) and down to the cristalline or molecular level. It is also capable of assisting field campaigns over extended periods of time.

Typical types of bioanalysis covered by AMbu-LAb are the following

Ground morphometry with drones equipped with spectral and optical cameras.

Georadar for the identification of underground irregularities

3D laser reconstruction of ground profiles, acosystems, and architectural constructions.

Thermographical camera for the identification of temperature gradients and location of moisture, hidden structres or biological activity.

Matricial and hyperspectral cameras for the inspection of agricultural products, diagnosis in historic heritage or authentification of art works, draught control, biodegradation, etc.

Portable spectroscopic analyzers (FRX, FTIR, Raman) for the non-invasive characterization of the inorganic and organic constituents of solid samples.

Portable x-ray diffraction for the non-invasive characterization of mineral cristalline structures and elemental identification.

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Pilar Ortiz Calderón,

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Integrated Materials Characterisation Laboratory



Biomolecular Mass Spectrometry, Proteomics and Metabolomics Laboratory



UPO Scientific Computing Center
