Urban Scenes, Cultural Context Exposure and Contemporary Health Lifestyles: A Multilevel Analysis of Spanish Sub-municipal Areas

Clemente J. Navarro, a UGL researcher, has been elected President of the Research Committee on ‘Community Studies’, International Sociological Association. RC03 objectives are to promote the development of theory and research on urban and community fields and create and maintain an international network of scholars dealing with community issues.

Clemente J. Navarro is a professor at the Department of Sociology. Head of the Centre for Political Sociology and Urban Policies-Urban Governance Lab, and Jean Monnet Chair in European Urban Policies. Founder of the Spanish Network on Urban Sociology (RESU), the today research group of Urban Sociology in the Spanish Federation of Sociology. His research activities focus on urban sociology, policies, and governance from a comparative perspective. Publications on these issues in Cities, Social Indicators Research, Journal of Housing and Built Environment, Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, Urban Geography, Public Administration Review, Political Studies, European Journal of Urban and Regional Research, European Societies, or Social Forces. Participation in collective books as The Political Ecology of Metropolis (ECPR),  Inequality and Governance in Metropolis (Palgrave), The Entertainment Machine (Emeral), The Politics of Cultural Policy (Routledge), Can Tocqueville Karaoke? (Emeral), Democratic Innovations (Barbar Buldrich) or The Euromayor (VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften).


Universidad Pablo de Olavide
Edificio Nº3 – Conde de Floridablanca, Ctra. de Utrera Km.1 – 41013 Sevilla.