Researching ODS in the CSPL

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a call to promote people’s quality of life through different initiatives by different public and non-public actors and at different scales. How does the research we do at the CSPL-The Urban Governance Lab relate to these goals?

On average, our work relates to 5 SDGs in each research project. The most recurrent is the one related to partnerships because we normally study governance processes, as well as the one related to sustainable cities and those related to inequalities and access to services. The graph below shows the percentage of competitive projects developed that have addressed each of the SDGs.

Which DGS have we analysed at the CPSS?

Percentage of total competitive projects

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ODS17 Alianzas para Lograr los Objetivos

Universidad Pablo de Olavide
Edificio Nº3 – Conde de Floridablanca, Ctra. de Utrera Km.1 – 41013 Sevilla.