ISA RC03 Community Research


Community Research

Activities and news


Activities and news

This section is a space to communicate and be updated about RC03 activities and news. As RCO3 members, please send us information about your academic activities (seminars, workshop, publications, …) using the form below.

2023 World Congress of Sociology. Schedule of RC03 Sessions

Monday, June 26:
15:30-17:20 Nuevas Políticas Urbanas En Iberoamérica. Avances Hacia La Nueva Agenda Urbana
17:30-19:20 Collaborative Research I: Critical Reflections on Research Ethics and Methodological Practices
Tuesday, June 27:
10:30-12:20 Marine Justice, Ocean Studies, and Coastal Communities
17:30-19:20 Uses and Misuses of Arts and Culture in Community and Urban Development
Wednesday, June 28:
10:30-12:20 Community Mobilization in Urban and Rural Context
17:30-19:20 Local Welfare Regimes: A Comparative Analysis
Thursday, June 29:
10:30-12:20 Traditional Water Cultures and the Modern Life
15:30-17:20 Theories of Practice: New Perspectives in Urban Theory and Research
17:30-19:20 Uses and Misuses of Arts and Culture in Community and Urban Development II
Friday, June 30:
8:30-10:20 Inclusive Education, Knowledge Co-Production, Social Justice and Human Rights
10:30-12:20 Community Influences on Lifestyles and Health
15:30-17:20 Can Place-Based Policies Enhance Community Life and Democracy: On Neighbourhood Governance, Participation and Institutional Trust.
17:30-19:20 (Re)Turning to Urban (new) Normality
Saturday, July 1:
8:30-10:20 Cultural Institutions and Community
10:30-12:20 Comunidades Resilientes: Capacidades Colectivas De Resistencia y Transformación Ante Las Nuevas Adversidades
12:30-14:20 Comunidades Resilientes: Capacidades Colectivas De Resistencia y Transformación Ante Las Nuevas Adversidades II


2023 World Congress of Sociology. RC03 Program Coordinators and registration grants.

Registration grants: ISA members in good standing, active participants in the program, are eligible to apply for a registration grant. Applications should be sent to the RC/WG/TG Program Coordinators by January 31, 2023.

RC03 Program Coordinators:

  • Marta KLEKOTKO, Jagiellonian University, Poland,
    • Cristina MATEOS MORA, University Pablo Olavide, Sevilla, Spain,
    • Johan ZAAIMAN, North-West University, South Africa,
    • Angel ZAPATA MOYA, Pablo de Olavide University, Spain,


2022. ISA RC03 ‘Community Research’ and ESA RN37 ‘Urban Sociology’

RC03 organises a panel in the 2022 Conference of the Research Network on Urban Sociology (European Sociological Association)

Panel: From community studies to SCENES analysis – ISA RC03 presentation.  Chair: Marta Klekokto, Jagiellonian University

This session presents the work of international scholars gathered in the Research Committee 03 (Community Research) of the International Sociological Association and serves as invitation for collaboration with members of the Research Network (Urban Sociology) of the European Sociological Association. During the session, the Theory of Scenes and its methodology, known as “mathematics” of culture will be presented and discussed, followed by presentation of the newest research projects within the framework of scenes paradigm. The session will conclude with the presentation of opportunities for ISA RC03 – ESA RN37 collaboration and series of questions and answers.

Program of the session:

Clemente J. Navarro (RC03 president) and Marta Klekotko (RC03 vice-president). ISA RC03 Presentation

Terry N. Clark (UNniversity of Chicago) and  Daniel Silver (University of Toronto). Theory of Scenes: theoretical and methodological perspective

Marta Klekotko (Jagiellonian University). Urban scenes as cultural opportunity structures for communal practices

Angel Zapata and Cistina Mateos (Universidad Pablo de Olavide). Healthy scenes: scenes and healthy lifestyles in Spain

Daniel Silver (University of Toronto). Complex Causal Structures of Neighbourhood Scene Change: Evidence From a Functionalist Model and Yelp Data

Tong Wang (University of Toronto). Scenes Academy – Theory of Scenes and 5 Years Development Plans for Chinese Cities


2021. Special Issue «Integral and Sustainable Urban Policies»

European Integral Urban Policies from a Gender Perspective. Gender-Sensitive Measures, Transversality and Gender Approaches

Area-Based Policies and Potential Health Benefits: A Quasi-Experimental Cohort Study in Vulnerable Urban Areas of Andalusia (Spain)

The Impacts of Area-Based Policies on Essential Retail in Vulnerable Areas

Overcoming Socio-Economic Problems in Crisis Areas through Revitalization of Cittaslow Towns. Evidence from North-East Poland

The Effectiveness of Integral Urban Strategies: Policy Theory and Target Scale. The European URBAN I Initiative and Employment

Assessment of the Governance Dimension in the Frame of the 2030 Agenda: Evidence from 100 Spanish Cities

Bohemian Cultural Scenes and Creative Development of Chinese Cities: An Analysis of 65 Cities Using Cultural Amenity Data