The accuracy of simple copula models in market risk estimates

Información del evento

Edificio 7, Planta 4ª, Sala de Juntas
Profesor invitado

D. Christian Cech

University of Applied Sciences BFI Vienna




This study analyses the accuracy of copula-based Value-at-Risk (VaR) models using GARCH volatility-adjusted returns to account for heteroscedasticity. For a mixed 21-dimensional portfolio of five classes of financial assets results reveal that the method-of-moments (MoM) approach significantly reduces the copula calibration time without loss of accuracy in VaR estimates, compared to the conventionally used pseudo-log-likelihood approach. This creates an advantage for practical applications, especially for portfolios with higher dimensions. In comparison to traditional benchmark VaR models, overall results show that a GARCH-meta-Student t model with a MoM copula calibration generates the best accuracy for VaR estimates and is also computationally quite reasonable for higher portfolio dimensions.