General information

Business Organization and Marketing Department

The Management and Marketing Department, formed by teachers belonging to the two areas of knowledge which gives name, born with the vocation to promote among its members the teaching and research of quality.

In the field of teaching teachers of the Department develop, for years, its activity within the framework of the European higher education area, showing a strong commitment to the requirements that the new educational structure requires from the beginning. In research, full-time teachers are all competitive, integrated research projects of regional and/or national level with the challenge of publishing their articles in prestigious journals.

The Department tries to be a unit open to the outside and especially to the international context. It has the clear vocation to develop relations and exchanges with professors from other universities, seeking the creation of networks that enable collaboration in the areas of teaching, research and the possibilities of stays.

The address team of the Management and Marketing Department, as well as all its members, invites you to that you enter on our website and discover who we are and what we do. Any suggestion or comment we want to convey is always welcome.

The senior management team

Carmen Cabello Medina

Department director

María Fuentes Blasco

Department Secretary