5º seminario del XV Ciclo de Seminarios del Departamento de Sistemas Físicos, Químicos y Naturales

From xylem anatomical traits to forest ecology, a small tour around the planet

Información del evento

Aula B07 Edificio 24

Marco Carrer

Tenemos el placer de invitaros al 5º seminario del XV Ciclo de Seminarios del Departamento de Sistemas Físicos, Químicos y Naturales que lleva por título "From xylem anatomical traits to forest ecology, a small tour around the planet" y que será impartido por  Marco Carrer, Catedrático de la Universidad de Padua, Italia.

. El seminario se celebrará a las 12:00 horas del miércoles, 8 de mayo de 2024, presencialmente en el aula B07 del Edificio 24 y on-line en:



From xylem anatomical traits to forest ecology, a small tour around the planet

Tree rings represent a kind of black box where trees register all the different experiences and environmental factors that affected their life. In this way they are an invaluable source of information in ecological investigation, especially those involved in the definition of the climate-growth associations.

In the recent years we tried to exploit even further this precious archive by moving from the analysis of the tree ring to the analysis of xylem anatomical traits. This new approach permitted to improve the detail and increase the time resolution of the inferences.

In this presentation I will show some examples of various ecological investigations around the world, stemmed from the analysis of wood anatomical traits.