
The UPO’s scientific production impact is 36% above the world average between 2015 and 2019

According to the Universidad Pablo de Olavide’s bibliometric data analyzed by the Research Support Service of the Library

Principales datos bibliométricos de la producción científica en el periodo 2015-2019
UPO’s Scientific Production Bibliometric Report 2015-2019

Through its Research Support Service, the Library of the Universidad Pablo de Olavide has published the UPO’s Scientific Production Bibliometric Report for the five-year period of 2015-2019. The report, which was compiled with the bibliographic data from Web of Science and Scopus, shows that the volume of the university’s scientific production increased by around 20% in these five years and it places the standardized impact of the publications 36% above the world average (1.36), surpassing the average for Andalusian universities (1.26).

This normalized citation indicator, called Crown indicator, links the expected impact of a scientific work, considering the year of publication, its subject area and the type of document, to the observed impact. Thus, a figure compared to the standardized world average (equal to 1) is obtained. In this analyzed period (2015-2019) the Universidad Pablo de Olavide gets a normalized citation of 1.36 which places it at the top of the Andalusian universities list. According to this indicator of excellence nationwide and considering the universities with the same number of full-time professors for the comparative evaluation, UPO is at second place, right after Ramon Llull University. The remaining centers selected on its number of teaching and research staff (TRS) are the University of Jaume I of Castellón, the Comillas Pontifical University, the University of Jaén, the Miguel Hernández University of Elche, the University of Lleida, the University of León, the University of Almería, the CEU San Pablo University and the University of Huelva.

This is the second analysis of the main productivity and impact indicators of the work done by the university’s research staff that the Research Support Service publishes in order to obtain a clear and accurate view of its performance. Hence, between 2015 and 2019 and by using Web of Science as reference, it is observed that 84.4% of the 2569 UPO’s citable papers has been cited and that 54.07% of them are published in journals of the first quartile (Q1). A percentage of 11.98% of the UPO’s total production ranks among 10% of the most cited papers worldwide and 1.59% of this production ranks among 1% of them.

Regarding the internationalization of the papers, which is also based on the use of Web of Science, an increase in collaboration with researchers and institutions from other countries is observed. In 2015, 40.2% of the documents were produced through international collaboration compared to 52.1% in 2019.

More information available in Spanish:
Informe de producción científica UPO 2015-2019

Full report available in Spanish:
Universidad Pablo de Olavide. Biblioteca/CRAI (2021). Producción científica de la Universidad Pablo de Olavide 2015-2019. http://hdl.handle.net/10433/9632