
The Universidad Pablo de Olavide offers 2561 places to newly arrived students with its 48 undergraduate degrees for the 2021-22 academic year

The UPO consolidates its academic offer with a wide range of undergraduate degrees and dual undergraduate degrees, 40 of which will be imparted on campus and 8 at the ‘San Isidoro’ affiliated centre in Seville

The Universidad Pablo de Olavide will offer a total of 2561 places to newly arrived students with its 48 undergraduate degrees for the next 2021-22 academic year, 40 of which will be imparted at the campus of the UPO (2127 places) and 8 at its affiliated centre in Seville, ‘San Isidoro’ (434 places).

Thus, the degrees given at the Universidad Pablo de Olavide are distributed in 23 undergraduate degrees, with 1500 places, and 17 dual undergraduate degrees, with 627 places. As for the ‘San Isidoro’ affiliated centre, it offers 6 undergraduate degrees, with 402 places, and 2 dual undergraduate degrees, with 32 places.

Hence, the UPO consolidates its academic offer with a wide range of undergraduate degrees and dual undergraduate degrees, together with international degrees focused on the training of future professionals and a growing offer in bilingual training. In addition to the internationalisation of its degrees and the in‑English teaching, the Universidad Pablo de Olavide consolidates itself as a national model regarding university quality, and it is the first and only Spanish university with all its centres of degree studies achieving accreditation by the Spanish University Council. This accreditation recognises the quality of the given university training, which is oriented to practice and labour market demand.

Youth, dynamism, sustainability, and ability to respond to changes are also part of the characteristics of the Universidad Pablo de Olavide, which has a single open campus, a meeting point for students and teaching and research staff. The campus has ideal facilities to develop a practice-oriented teaching of high quality: laboratories, translation and interpreting rooms, sports facilities, interactive rooms for learning, and teaching innovation laboratories can be found at it. These facilities offer a great number of scientific, cultural, and dissemination activities that complement and foster the comprehensive training of the students.

29 undergraduate degrees and 19 dual undergraduate degrees

The academic offer of the UPO for the 2021-22 academic year includes:

Undergraduate Degrees: Humanities; Translation and Interpreting (English, French, and German); Geography and History; Law; Labour Relations and Human Resources; Political and Administrative Sciences; Business Administration in Spanish and in English; Finance and Accounting; Criminology; Economic Analysis; Social Work; Social Education; Physical and Sports Sciences; Sociology; Biotechnology; Environmental Sciences; Computer Engineering in Information Systems; Human Nutrition and Dietetics; International Relations; and Law and Bachelor of Laws by the University of Bayreuth (Germany) and the Universidad Pablo de Olavide.

Dual Undergraduate Degrees: Humanities and Translation and Interpreting; Business Administration and Law (both in Spanish or with the Degree in Business Administration in English); Law and Finance and Accounting; Law and Political and Administrative Sciences; Law and Criminology; Law and Labour Relations and Human Resources; Political and Administrative Sciences and Sociology; Social Work and Social Education; Social Work and Sociology; Environmental Sciences and Geography and History; Agricultural Engineering (University of Seville) and Environmental Sciences (UPO); Geography and History and International Relations; International Relations and Law; International Relations and Political and Administrative Sciences; and Translation and Interpreting (German and French) and International Relations.

As for the ‘San Isidoro’ affiliated centre, it will offer:

Undergraduate Degrees: Physiotherapy; Business Administration; Communication; Physical and Sports Sciences; Law; and Digital Communication.

Dual Undergraduate Degrees: Communication and Digital Communication; and Business Administration and Law.

The total offer of places of the Universidad Pablo de Olavide assigned to each degree is included in the following table:

Degree in Business Administration Faculty of Business 100
Degree in Business Administration (English) Faculty of Business 22
Degree in Economic Analysis Faculty of Business 60
Degree in Biotechnology Faculty of Experimental Sciences 60
Degree in Environmental Sciences Faculty of Experimental Sciences 100
Degree in Physical and Sports Sciences Faculty of Sports Sciences 140
Degree in Political and Administrative Sciences Faculty of Law 25
Degree in Criminology Faculty of Law 60
Degree in Law Faculty of Law 65
Degree in Spanish and German Law with the University of Bayreuth Faculty of Law 15
Degree in Social Education Faculty of Social Sciences 60
Degree in Finance and Accounting Faculty of Business 108
Degree in Geography and History Faculty of Humanities 34
Degree in Humanities Faculty of Humanities 30
Degree in Computer Engineering in Information Systems Polytechnic School 75
Degree in Human Nutrition and Dietetics Faculty of Experimental Sciences 60
Degree in International Relations Faculty of Law 20
Degree in Labour Relations and Human Resources Faculty of Law 100
Degree in Sociology Faculty of Social Sciences 46
Degree in Social Work Faculty of Social Sciences 160
Degree in Translation and Interpreting (German) Faculty of Humanities 20
Degree in Translation and Interpreting (French) Faculty of Humanities 20
Degree in Translation and Interpreting (English) Faculty of Humanities 120
Dual Degree in Business Administration and Law Faculty of Experimental Sciences and Faculty of Law 100
Dual Degree in Business Administration (English) and Law Faculty of Experimental Sciences and Faculty of Law 50
Dual Degree in Environmental Sciences and Geography and History Faculty of Experimental Sciences and Faculty of Humanities 12
Dual Degree in Law and Political and Administrative Sciences Faculty of Law 60
Dual Degree in Law and Criminology Faculty of Law 40
Dual Degree in Law and Finance and Accounting Faculty of Law and Faculty of Business 60
Dual Degree in Law and Labour Relations and Human Resources Faculty of Law 20
Dual Degree in Geography and History and International Relations Faculty of Humanities and Faculty of Law 20
Dual Degree in Humanities and Translation and Interpreting (English) Faculty of Humanities 30
Dual Degree in Agricultural Engineering (US) and Environmental Sciences (UPO) Faculty of Experimental Sciences 20
Dual Degree in International Relations and Law Faculty of Law 20
Dual Degree in International Relations and Political and Administrative Sciences Faculty of Law 15
Dual Degree in Sociology and Political and Administrative Sciences Faculty of Social Sciences and Faculty of Law 40
Dual Degree in Sociology and Social Work Faculty of Social Sciences 60
Dual Degree in Social Work and Social Education Faculty of Social Sciences 60
Dual Degree in Translation and Interpreting (German) and International Relations Faculty of Humanities and Faculty of Law 10
Dual Degree in Translation and Interpreting (French) and International Relations Faculty of Humanities and Faculty of Law 10
  TOTAL: 2127

As for the ‘San Isidoro’ affiliated centre, the following table includes the offer of places for newly arrived students:

Degree in Business Administration

‘San Isidoro’ Affiliated Centre

‘San Isidoro’ Affiliated Centre 60
Degree in Physical and Sports Sciences ‘San Isidoro’ Affiliated Centre 88
Degree in Communication ‘San Isidoro’ Affiliated Centre 74
Degree in Digital Communication ‘San Isidoro’ Affiliated Centre 50
Degree in Law ‘San Isidoro’ Affiliated Centre 60
Degree in Physiotherapy ‘San Isidoro’ Affiliated Centre 66
Dual Degree in Business Administration and Law ‘San Isidoro’ Affiliated Centre 20
Dual Degree in Communication and Digital Communication ‘San Isidoro’ Affiliated Centre 16
  TOTAL: 434

Curso 2024/25