Tag: Economy

The frontier of Granada created patterns of inequality in Andalusia that persisted right through to the present day

The results of the research project show that the prevalence of large estates (latifundia) in modern and contemporaneous Andalusia was the consequence, in part, of the Frontier of Granada. The defense needs derived from the existence of the frontier with the Nasrid Kingdom of Granada gave rise to the concentration of land ownership and political power in the hands of the nobility. This fact constituted the starting point for the high economic and political inequality that has characterized a great bulk of the Andalusian territory since then.

Sobresaliente Cum Laude para la tesis “Economy and sustainability of water”

El pasado 7 de diciembre tuvo lugar en la sala de tesis del edificio 45 la defensa pública de la tesis doctoral titulada “Economy and sustainability of water”, de la que es autora Maria del Mar Borrego Marín. Esta tesis doctoral, dirigida por los profesores Julio Berbel Vecino de la Universidad de Córdoba y Laura Riesgo Álvarez de la Universidad Pablo de Olavide, ha obtenido la calificación de Sobresaliente Cum Laude.

Curso 2024/25