EURESTRA consists of 12 comprehensive research universities with a shared vision of the interwovenness of Europe with and its responsibility in the world, notably Africa, connected by shared and complementary strengths and a proven record of joint accomplishments, located in 10 different countries in Central, Eastern, Northern and Southern Europe including the Balkans as well as in the outer-most European region La Réunion.
Germany – University of Bayreuth
Bosnia & Herzegovina – University of Sarajevo
France – Université Bordeaux-Montaigne
France – Institute Sciences Po Bordeaux
France – Université de la Réunion
Greece – Athens University of Economics and Business
Italy – University of Naples L’Orientale
Poland – University of Szczecin
Portugal – University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro
Sweden – Mid Sweden University
Spain – University Pablo de Olavide
Czech Republic – University of Hradec Kralove
According to EURESTRA’s academic expertise and operational experience worldwide, we are aiming at a global collaborative outreach within our global academic network that focuses on innovation and impact within Europe and beyond, fostering excellence and joint capacity building with our strategic partners, serving a multiple diversity of students, staff, life-long learners, faculty and societal stakeholders.
EURESTRA’s understanding of responsible transformation

Responsible transformation in European higher education includes student, staff and faculty training as well as the overall campus and societal ecosystems. It refers to multiple concepts, activities and processes and comprises notably the following transformative fields of engagement in HE: Societal responsibility of HEIs including International Higher Education for Society (IHES) focusing on the Social Mission of Universities (SMU) as well as the Green transition and digital transformation of HE, its ecosystems and societies, an ethical framework of historical and cultural multidimensionality including the negotiation of a responsible decolonization of HE.
EURESTRA addresses a global transformation and sees itself as a forum for responsible change in Europe. It wants to be a Higher Education Platform for exchange across borders and continents. EURESTRA aims to provide a comprehensive perspective on Europe’s interwovenness with the world, especially with Africa, in the context of challenging global transformations. The 12 Partners will develop joint interdisciplinary programmes among themselves and with selected higher education institutions in our global academic network with advanced formats, innovative pedagogical approaches and pioneering methodologies in education and research. All activities will respond to the increasing demand for sustainability with a focus on diversity and inclusion.
The partners are already connected through joint programmes and activities, such as Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degrees, Joint PhD and Double Degree Programmes, Blended Intensive Programmes as well as student and staff mobility.