Conferencias sobre lingüística impartidas por la profesora Dr.ª Danuta Wisniewska de la Universidad Adam-Mickiewicz de Poznan (Polonia)

Las conferencias serán en inglés y tendrá lugar el próximo 27 de septiembre de 2017


Introduction to the linguistic landscape studies & Presentation of the Adam Mickiewicz University of Poznan (Poland)

When: Wednesday, 27th of September 2017, 11.00 – 12.30 am

Where: Building 2, Seminario 2

Visiting Professor: Danuta Wiśniewska

University: Adam Mickiewicz University of Poznan (Poland)

Danuta Wiśniewska is a professor at the Adam Mickiewicz University. She received her PhD and Dlitt. from this university in the field of applied linguistics. She teaches at the Institute of Applied Linguistics where she is deputy director for full-time students and the head of the Department of English Language Didactics. So far her interests included foreign language didactics, education of foreign language teachers, and first of all, research methodology. These interests have been reflected in articles and book chapters which she has published, and finally in a book Action research in foreign language didactics: Theory and analysis of practice issued in 2013. At present her work focuses mainly on the written language in the public space, a relatively new branch of sociolinguistic studies. Therefore now she supervises MA courses whose main focus is the linguistic landscape.


Linguistic landscape studies is an emerging field of sociolinguistics concerned with written language displayed in public space. Professor Danuta Wiśniewska will present briefly the subject of the Linguistic landscape research, the basic research questions and methodologies. She will also mention her own areas of interest within the field.

At the end, she will also briefly present the Adam-Mickiewicz University of Poznan in Poland.


A glimpse at the linguistic landscape of Poland

Wednesday, 27th of September, 14.00 – 15.30 h

Where: Building 24, Aula B11


In the past Poland was diversified in respect to culture and languages used. After the II World War the situation changed and Poland became a monocultural and monolingual country. At present we are still (basically) monolingual but the signs you can see in the streets are very frequently multilingual. Professor Wiśniewska will try to discuss these changes in the light of historical and social events and show how these changes have been reflected in the linguistic landscape of Poland.