INN-LAB is a reference in the Andalusian Knowledge System, due to: its ability to carry out quality research and to transfer the generated knowledge to society.
Closely cooperating with the agents in our environment to improve the innovative capacity of companies and to design instruments that promote the creation and development of knowledge-intensive companies.
- Excellence in research and transfer activities.
- Work ethic.
- Returning the allocated resources to society, through the improvement of business innovation processes and the creation and development of new companies.
- Responsible use of resources.
- Transparency in management.
- Promote and give visibility to research on innovation, entrepreneurship and family business carried out by UPO researchers and students.
- Establish and strengthen connections with companies and institutions and transfer the knowledge generated in the fields of innovation, entrepreneurship and family business.
- Establish networks with other Spanish and foreign research groups to attend calls for international projects.
- Explore innovative training proposals in the areas of innovation and entrepreneurship and family business.
- Cooperate with the institutional instances of the UPO in promoting innovation, entrepreneurship and family business.
Through its Strategic Plan, INN-LAB seeks to align with the Europe 2020 Strategy, the Spanish Science and Technology Strategy and PAIDI 2020, contributing, through research and knowledge transfer, to the search for instruments that enhance innovative capacity of medium-sized enterprises and the creation and development of high added value companies.