If you are interested in sending your students to our programs, the process is simple!

  1. Reach out to Joanna Wandycz-Mejías (jwanmej@acu.upo.es) about a collaborative agreement.
  2. Talk to Mentxu (intl@upo.es) about student visa letters, the semester calendar and course registration

The general timeline for the course registration process is as follows:

APRIL (Fall) + OCTOBER (Spring)

  • The link to our online Spanish placement exam is sent out.
  • The course registration form with all available classes is sent out.

MAY (fall) + early NOVEMBER (Spring)

  • Spanish placement exam results are sent to all partner institutions
    (students see their results upon completing the exam as well).

JUNE (Fall) + NOVEMBER (Spring)

  • Course registration deadline (we request 4-5 courses, any required courses and 3 alternative courses for each student).

MAY (fall) + early NOVEMBER (Spring) Late JUNE/JULY (Fall) + DEC/JAN (Spring)

  • Partners or students are contacted if a required course will not be offered or if there are scheduling conflicts involving a required course.