Estudios sobre Europa,
el mundo mediterráneo
y su difusión atlántica
(HUM 680)

Cristina Bravo Lozano

Graduate in History, with a final qualification of Extraordinary Prize, from the University of Alcalá (2009), she has completed the Máster Interuniversitario en Estudios Avanzados “Monarquía de España, ss. XVI-XVIII”. Especialidad Investigación (ANECA 2011-00024) at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (2010) and the Máster en Formación del Profesorado. Especialidad Geografía e Historia at the Universitdad de Alcalá (2012). During the academic years 2010-2014 she benefited from the Programa Propio para la Formación del Personal Investigador of the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, in correlation with her PhD in Early Modern History. Her thesis was unanimously awarded the qualification of Sobresaliente Cum Laude, with international mention by the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid and the Universidad of Cantabria (2014). Her lines of research are oriented towards the study of the relations between the monarchy of Spain and the last Stuarts during the second half of the 17th Century and early 18th Century, the religious and cultural links between the Iberian Peninsula and Ireland throughout the 17th Century, the diplomatic activity of the Spanish embassies in London, The Hague, Copenhagen and Hamburg, as well as the confessional policy of Charles II in Northern Europe, the subject of study in his postdoctoral contracts Juan de la Cierva-Formación (FJCI-2014-21225) at the Universidad Pablo de Olavide (2015-2017) and Juan de la Cierva-Incorporación (IJCI-2016-30430) at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (2018-2019). She is currently a Senior Fellow Tomás y Valiente at the Madrid Institute for Advanced Study (MIAS), a joint UAM-Casa de Velázquez center and member of the NETIAS and UBIAS networks, with the project “Monopoly, competition and territorial defense. The monarchy of Spain before the Scottish settlement in Darien, 1695-1700”. Thanks to this postdoctoral experience she has consolidated her lines of research on Spanish-Irish relations in the 17th century, diplomatic activity and Spanish confessional policy in Northern Europe, and its response to the Scottish expansion in America.

She is the author of the monograph Spain and the Irish Mission, 1609-1707 (Routledge, 2019). The result of her doctoral dissertation, this research situates the Irish Mission within the political and confessional strategy of the monarchy of Spain for the preservation of British Catholicism. In addition to co-editing 11 books -5 forthcoming-, she has coordinated 4 journal issues in Hispania, Cheiron, Revista Complutense de Historia de América and Mo.Do. digitale. The 25 scientific articles in indexed journals offer a novel interpretation of the proselytism of the diplomatic chapels and the protocol, jurisdictional and immunity aspects of the embassies in Madrid and Northern Europe, or political court celebrations for the successes of the House of Austria. She has 23 book chapters in editorials published in SPI where she deals with diplomacy, ceremonial, the political role of women and cultural aspects that rethink the international stance of the Spanish monarchy under Charles II.

These results have been achieved thanks to a dozen pre-doctoral and post-doctoral stays in Europe and America. His research work has been carried out within the framework of various national, regional, European and international projects, as well as the activities of the Hispanex Grants (MECD). His management skills are endorsed by his participation in the European RISE project as a member of the Manager Support Team of “Failure: Reversing the Genealogies of Unsuccess, 16th-19th centuries (Grant Agreement No. 823998. European Commission, H2020-MSCA-RISE-2018) and WP leader of WP 5 dedicated to scientific communication and dissemination. His leadership of working teams can be seen in the direction (IP) of the Jóvenes Doctores de la Comunidad project, “Reloj de Indias: la proyección europea en el Atlántico, 1665-1700” (SI1-PJI-2019-00270), and the co-direction (CoIP), together with Manuel Herrero, of the National Plan project ATLANREX “Una monarquía policéntrica de repúblicas urbanas ante la rivalidad europea en el Atlántico ibérico (1640-1713)” (PID2022-14501NB-I00). The results have been presented in more than fifty national and international forums. This activity has been complemented by the organisation and secretariat of more than thirty seminars and congresses, both in Spain and abroad. All this has allowed him to obtain 1 six-year research period (2015-2021).

She has developed an intense teaching activity in different Spanish and foreign universities, including Erasmus+ KA 103 stays (Milan and Leuven), teaching for seniors, coordination and collaboration in different teaching innovation projects, participation as a member of the project Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership “Teaching European History in the 21st century” (2019-1-NL01-KA203-060532), attendance to more than thirty Teacher Training courses (UPO and UAM) and obtaining the title of Expert in University Teaching (UAM, 2020). Her capacity for academic supervision and formative monitoring of students is determined by the coordination of the External Practices in the Degree in History (UAM), the direction of 12 TFM -7 in co-direction-, 4 TFG -2 in co-direction- and the co-direction of 3 doctoral theses in progress.

His vocation for scientific dissemination led him to assume the editorship of Tiempos Modernos. Revista electrónica de Historia Moderna, pioneer in Spain in publishing in Open Access. His interest in promoting the transfer to society through the publication of various articles and the coordination of a dossier in La Aventura de la Historia, as well as the adaptation and explanatory article of the board “El juego de la paz”, published by Desperta Ferro; the organisation of a historical recreation at the Feria de la Historia (Seville, 2016), radio collaborations in the programme Gran Repertorio de Radio Clásica (RNE), and co-curation of the exhibition Testigo de la Historia. Yunquera, 1669-1677 (Yunquera de Henares, 2019-2020).