
Universitat des Saarlandes

Daniela Braun

Daniela Braun is professor of Political Science with a specialization in European Integration and International Relations at Saarland University (USAAR). Before, she was assistant professor at Ludwig-Maximilians-University (LMU Munich) and researcher at the Mannheim Centre for European Social Research (MZES). She is co-directing the Euromanifestos study together with Prof. Hermann Schmitt. Her research interests include European Union politics, party politics, public opinion, and political behavior. So far, Daniela Braun has published her work in the following journals: European Journal of Political Research, European Union Politics, German Politics, International Political Science Review, Journal for European Integration, Journal of European Public Policy, Party Politics, West European Politics, the German journals ‘Zeitschrift für Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft’ and ‘Zeitschrift für Parlamentsfragen’ as well as in several edited volumes.

Giuseppe Carteny

Giuseppe Carteny is postdoctoral researcher at the chair of political science (European Integration and International Relations) of Saarland University (USAAR). Before, he was postdoctoral researcher at the Mannheim Centre for European Social Research (MZES) of the University of Mannheim for the ProConEU project.  His work focuses the study of political attitudes, electoral behaviour, party politics, and comparative politics in Europe and East Asia, with a particular focus on institutional confidence, value and ideological orientations, Euroscepticism, far-right party agency, cleavage politics, and related.  His methodological interests include classical quantitative methods for the social sciences, quantitative text analysis methods, and survey methodology.