Carlos De Pablos Ortega

Carlos de Pablos-Ortega (PhD at Universidad Nebrija, Madrid, Spain) is associate professor at the University of East Anglia (Norwich, UK), where he teaches a variety of courses, such as Spanish, Subtitling and Dubbing, Specialized Translation and Reinterpreting 21st Century Spain, among others. He is interested in 1) interlanguage, cross-cultural pragmatics and politeness, 2) intercultural communication through audio-visual translation: speech acts, cultural representations and stereotypes, and 3) language attitudes and perceptions: Native VS non-native speakers attitudes towards learning and speech acts. He has recently started his research on online consumer reviews (gender, politeness and identity) as a member of a FEDER project, and is leading a project entitled Support for Access to Audiovisual Media (SAAM) (

Associate Professor in Applied Linguistics and Spanish

ORCID number: 0000-0002-7251-0769

Google Scholar:
Academia profile:



Research interests:

  • Interlanguage.
  • Cross-cultural pragmatics and politeness.
  • Intercultural communication through audio-visual translation
  • Speech acts, cultural representations and stereotypes.
  • Language attitudes and perceptions.
  • Online consumer reviews: gender, politeness and identity.

Selected Publications Since 2010

1) Books

  • Pinto D. and De Pablos-Ortega, C. (2014) Seamos pragmáticos: Introducción a la pragmática española. Yale University Press: New Haven and London.


2) Book chapters (peer reviewed)

  • De Pablos-Ortega, C. (forthcoming) Support for Access to Audiovisual Media (SAAM): An Impactful Service-Learning Project. The Making of Accessible Audiovisual Translation, Peter Lang.
  • De Pablos-Ortega, C. (2019) “I’m so sorry to disturb you but I wonder if I could have your autograph” vs “¿Me firma un autógrafo por favor?” Contrastive (In)Directeness in Subtitling. The Routledge Handbook of Translation and Pragmatics, pp. 205-224.
  • Black, S. and De Pablos-Ortega, C. (2019), Digital Accessibility for Young Adults in Europe: Tools, Training and Participation, EuroScientist. (
  • De Pablos-Ortega, C. (2018) Analysis and Design of Learning Materials. The Routledge Handbook of Spanish Language Teaching: Metodología, recursos y contextos para la enseñanza del español. Routledge, pp. 80-93
  • De Pablos-Ortega, C. (2018) Pragmatics in Spanish L2 Textbooks: Perspectives from Spain. The Learning of Spanish Pragmatics: from Research to Practice, Routledge, pp. 53-73.
  • De Pablos-Ortega, C. (2015) Audience Perception of Characters in Pedro Almodóvar’s Film The Flower of My Secret. Audiovisual Translation: Taking Stock, Cambridge Scholar, pp. 190-208.


3) Papers in peer-reviewed journals

  • De Pablos-Ortega, C. (2020) Directive Speech Acts in English and Spanish Filmspeak. Sociocultural Pragmatics, 8 (1), pp. 105-125
  • De Pablos-Ortega, C. (2019) “Would it be fair to say that you actively sought out material?” Mitigation and aggravation in police interviews. Pragmatics and Society, 10 (1), pp. 50-77
  • De Pablos-Ortega, C. (2019) Subtitles for Good, The Linguist (Journal of the Chartered Institute of Linguists – CIOL), 58, pp. 10-11.
  • Pounds, G. and De Pablos-Ortega, C. (2016) Patient-centred communication in British, Italian and Spanish Ask-the- Expert healthcare websites. Communication and Medicine, pp.1612-1783.
  • De Pablos-Ortega, C. (2016) Pragmática en la formación de profesores de español como segunda lengua. Journal of Spanish Language Teaching, 3 (2), pp. 171-188.
  • De Pablos-Ortega, C. (2016) Cuestión de imagen: cine y marca España by Alfredo Martínez Expósito, Vigo, Editorial Académica del Hispanismo, 2015 Journal of Iberian and Latin American Research, pp. 109-111.
  • De Pablos-Ortega, C. (2015) “Thank you for a lovely day!” Contrastive Thanking in Textbooks for Teaching English and Spanish as Foreign Languages. Sociocultural Pragmatics 3(2) pp: 150–173.
  • De Pablos-Ortega, C. (2011) The pragmatics of thanking reflected in the textbooks for teaching Spanish as a foreign language.  Journal of Pragmatics, 43 (9). pp. 2411-2433.
  • De Pablos-Ortega, C. (2011) Las actitudes de los hombres y de las mujeres anglohablantes ante el agradecimiento en español: estudio  Revista Nebrija de Lingüística Aplicada a la Enseñanza de las Lenguas, 10 pp. 2-21.
  • De Pablos-Ortega, C. (2010) Attitudes of English native speakers towards thanking in Pragmatics, 20 (2). pp. 149-170.


4) Selected Research Presentations Since 2010

4.1. Invited talks:

  • 2018, 8th March, BA in Education, Teaching of English as a Second Language: issues and challenges, School of Education and Lifelong Learning, University of East Anglia, UK; Title: Pragmatics in Second Language Learning.
  • 2018, 8th February, PGCE Secondary Modern Foreign Languages Programme, School of Education and Lifelong Learning, University of East Anglia, UK; Title: Audio-visual Resources in Foreign Language Teaching.
  • 2017, 26th October, University Pablo de Olavide, Spain; Title: Audio-visual Translation Challenges.
  • 2017, 29th September, Department for Education Spanish Teachers Training, University of East Anglia, UK; Title: Lights, Camera and… Using Films for Language Teaching.
  • 2017, 5th July, Instituto Cervantes & University Antonio de Nebrija, Spain; Title: Introducción a la competencia pragmática.
  • 2017, 5th May, Department for Education Spanish Teachers Training, University of East Anglia, UK; Title: Subtitling: A Language Teaching Tool.
  • 2017, 7th March, Project on Multilingualism and Multicultural Awareness in Secondary Education Project, University of East Anglia, UK, Title: Hands-on Subtitling Using your Spanish.
  • 2017, 6th April, University of Alcalá, Madrid, Spain; Title: Let’s Be Pragmatic in the Teaching of Spanish L2.
  • 2016, 9th – 12th November, University College London, UK; Title: Audience’sPerceptions via Non-Verbal Language, Paralinguistic Features and Linguistic Representation of Speech Acts in Subtitling.
  • 2014, 10th January, University Antonio de Nebrija, Spain; Title: Research in L2 Spanish Pragmatics
  • 2014, 9th January, University of Zaragoza, Spain; Title: The Challenges of Audiovisual Translation: Subtitling Cultures.
  • 2010, 8th March, University of East Anglia, UK; Title: Attitudes of English Speakers Towards Thanking in Spanish.


4.2. Presentations in national and international conferences – refereed

  • 2022, De Pablos-Ortega, C. (2022). “La identidad de género en las reseñas online: un análisis contrastive”. Panel: “Identidades digitales en el mundo hispanoblante”, IV Congreso Internacional RECOD: En torno a la comunicación digital en español: cultura participativa y discurso en la red, Alicante, 6-7 October 2022.

  • 2018, 29th June, Instituto Cervantes, Manchester, UK, XI Jornadas Didácticas de ELE; Title: Seamos Pragmáticos en la Didáctica de ELE.
  • 2018, 2nd – 4th May, University of Seville, Seville, Spain, 8th International Symposium on Intercultural, Cognitive and Social Pragmatics; Title: Pragmatic Representation of Directive Speech Acts in Spanish and English Films.
  • 2017, 15th-16th June, University of Strathclyde, UK, Encuentro ELE UK; Title: Communicating beyond Words: Pragmatics in Spanish Teaching Materials.
  • 2017, 18th May, University of East Anglia, UK, Learning and Teaching Day; Title: Engaging with the Community whilst Developing Professional Practice through an Audiovisual Project.
  • 2016, 11th-13th February, Sapienza Università di Roma & Università degli Studi di Roma Tre, Italy, Linguistic and Cultural Representations in Audiovisual Translation; Title: I’m so sorry to disturb you but I wonder if I could have your autograph vs ¿Me firma un autógrafo por favor? Contrastive (In)Directeness in Subtitling.
  • 2015, 4th November, University of East Anglia, UK, Enhancing security through efficient policing workshop, Knowledge Exchange Workshop, University of East Anglia; Title: Exploring police questioning from a cross-cultural perspective: “Is there anything you would like to tell us about what happened at the party back in March of this year?”
  • 2015, 17th– 18th September, University of Western Sydney, Australia, 6th International Conference Media for All; Title: I wonder if you would be kind enough to give me a hand? Indirectness in Audiovisual Translation
  • 2015, 2nd November, University of Sydney, Australia, Title: Applied Linguistics in Audiovisual Translation and Language Teaching
  • 2014, 29th November, Durham University, UK, V Encuentro de Profesores de ELE en Centros Universitarios del Reino Unido; Title: “Seamos pragmáticos” en los Programas de Español como Lengua Extranjera
  • 2014, 26th-28th June, University Antonio de Nebrija, Spain, II Congreso Internacional en Lingüística Aplicada a la Enseñanza de Lenguas: En camino hacia el plurilingüismo; Title: Action Research: Teaching and Learning Pragmatics in Spanish L2.
  • 2013, 26th-28th June, University of East Anglia, UK, Cross-cultural Pragmatics at a Crossroads III: Making a Difference in Intercultural Communication; Title: Understanding and Promoting Appropriate Communication Practice in Ask-the-Expert Healthcare Websites: Insights from a Cross-Cultural Comparison.
  • 2012, 4th-6th September, Kings College, UK, 34th Annual ACIS Conference; Title: Noisy Spaniards! A study on Pedro Almodóvar’s cinema
  • 2011, 3rd– 8th July, University of Manchester, UK, 12th International Pragmatics Conference; Title: The Pragmatic Representation of Thanking in English and Spanish
  • 2011, 29th June – 1st July, University of East Anglia, UK, Cross-cultural Pragmatics at a Crossroads II: Linguistic and Cultural Representation across Media; Title: Linguistic and Cultural Representation via Subtitling in Pedro Almodóvar’s film Labyrinth of Passion.
  • 2011, 28th June – 1st July, Imperial College, UK, 4th International Conference Media for All: “Audiovisual Translation: Taking Stock”; Title: Audience Perception of Characters in Pedro Almodóvar’s Film The Flower of My Secret.
  • 2010, 16th-19th July, Kobe University, Japan, 18th International Pragmatics and Language Learning; Title: Socio-pragmatic Classification of the Speech Act of Thanking in Spanish.
  • 2010, 30th June-2nd July, University of Basel, Switzerland, 5th International Symposium on Politeness; Title: Facework Values in the Speech Act of Thanking: A Contrastive Study in Spanish and English.

Dr Carlos de Pablos-Ortega (SFHEA)
Associate Professor in Applied Linguistics and Spanish
School of Politics, Philosophy, Language and Communication Studies
University of East Anglia
Norwich NR4 7TJ
Tel: +44 7972902880



2009 PhD in Applied Linguistics – Doctor Europeus (Sobresaliente Cum Laude)
Universidad Nebrija, Madrid, Spain
2002 – 2005 Diploma de Estudios Avanzados (M. Phil) in Applied Linguistics
Universidad Nebrija, Madrid, Spain
2001 – 2002 MA in Applied Linguistics in the Teaching of Spanish as a Foreign Language
Universidad Nebrija, Madrid, Spain
1993 Post-Graduate Certificate in Education (C.A.P)
Universidad Complutense, Madrid, Spain
1987 – 1992 BA Honours in English (Filología inglesa)
Universidad Complutense, Madrid, Spain



2019 Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (SFHEA)
UK Professional Standards Framework (Recognition reference PR162540)
Higher Education Academy, United Kingdom
2019 Accredited DELE Examiner (Diploma de Español como Lengua Extranjera), Instituto Cervantes
Levels A2/B1 para escolares.
Instituto Cervantes, Manchester, England
2015 Accredited DELE Examiner (Diploma de Español como Lengua Extranjera), Instituto Cervantes
Levels A1-A2, B1-B2 and C1-C2.
University of East Anglia, Norwich, England
1996 Cambridge Certificate Proficiency in English
University of Bangor, Wales, UK
1995 Diplome d´Etudes en Langue Française (level A1 and A2)
L’Institute Français, Madrid, Spain



2016 – present Associate Professor in Applied Linguistics and Spanish
School of Politics, Philosophy, Language and Communication Studies
University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK
2011 – present Guest Lecturer in Applied Linguistics
Departamento de Lengua Aplicadas
Universidad Nebrija, Madrid, Spain
2015 – 2016 Assistant Professor in Applied Linguistics and Spanish
Department of Spanish and Latin American Studies
University of Sydney, Australia
2007 – 2015 Assistant Professor in Applied Linguistics and Spanish
School of Politics, Philosophy, Language and Communication Studies
University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK
2002 – 2007 Lecturer in Spanish
Centro de Estudios Hispánicos
Universidad Nebrija, Madrid, Spain
2001 – 2002 Business English Teacher
Thamesis Language School, Madrid, Spain
1999 – 2001 Teacher of Spanish
Woodside High School, Newport News, Virginia, U.S.A
1997 – 1999 TEFL and Business English Teacher
Linguacenter Business Language School, Madrid, Spain
C.D.TUR University, Madrid, Spain
1995 – 1997 Spanish Language Tutor, Conversation and Multi-Media Language Lab Assistant
University of Wales, Bangor, Gwynedd, UK




2012 – 2021


Principal Collaborator on the research and engagement project:  TACIT (Translation and Communication in Training) endorsed by the UK College of Policing, in collaboration with Norfolk Constabulary and Cambridgeshire Constabulary; financially supported by ESRC IAA and in-kind by Norfolk Constabulary and Cambridgeshire Constabulary ( .
2019 – 2021 Principal Investigator on the research project “Digital Accessibility for You” financially supported by ERASMUS + with Mediehuset København ApS (Denmark) and FUNKA NU AB (Sweden).
2015 – 2018 Principal Collaborator on the research and engagement project MAISE Project (Multilingualism and Multicultural Awareness in Secondary Education); financially supported by ESRC, AHRC, UEA Impact Funding and HEFCE.



2015 – present School of Politics, Philosophy, Language and Communication Studies, University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK.
Undergraduate: Technological Tools for Subtitling and Dubbing, Technological Tools for Media Accessibility, Specialised Translation, Advanced Hispanic Studies, World Spanishes and Reinterpreting 21st Century Spain.
MA in Applied Translation Studies: Technological Tools for Audiovisual Translation
Postgraduate: Preparing to Teach in the Arts and Humanities.
2011 – present
(guest lecturer)

Departamento de Lengua Aplicadas, Universidad Nebrija, Madrid, Spain

MA in Applied Linguistics: Sociolinguistics & Pragmatics and Pragmatics & Intercultural Competence.

2015 – 2016

Department of Spanish and Latin American Studies, University of Sydney, Australia

Undergraduate: Spanish Language (Levels 1, 2, 7 and 8) and Spanish Film and Literature.

2007 – 2015 School of Politics, Philosophy, Language and Communication Studies, University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK.
Undergraduate: Advanced Hispanic Studies, World Spanishes, Spain through the Eye of a Lens, Spanish Post A-Level 1 & 2, Ab Initio Spanish 1 & 2, Specialised Translation, Technological Tools for Subtitling and Dubbing.
MA in Applied Translation Studies: Technological Tools for Audiovisual Translation.
2002 – 2007 Centro de Estudios Hispánicos, Universidad Nebrija, Madrid, Spain.
Undergraduate: Spanish Cinema, Advanced Writing Skills, Advanced Conversation Skills, Spanish (Levels A1 to C2).
MA in Applied Linguistics: Teacher Training Courses of Spanish as a Foreign Language.



2016 – present Project Leader: Support for Access to Audiovisual Media (SAAM) (350 student volunteers from UK, Spain and France to date).



  • 2020 – 2023: External Examiner, University of Loughborough, UK; University-Wide Language Programme.
  • 2019 – actualidad: Co-supervision PhD thesis entitled El reconocimiento multimodal de emociones básicas en los aprendices sinohablantes de ELE en contexto de no inmersión. PhD Candidate: Pablo Alfonso Cordero-Bermúdez Coronel. Departamento de Lenguas Aplicadas y Educación. Universidad Nebrija, Spain.
  • 2014 – 2020: Co-supervision PhD thesis entitled Politeness and Cross-Linguistic Influence: Requests in English and Greek. PhD Candidate: Maria Tsimpiri. School of Politics, Philosophy, Language and Communication Studies, University of East Anglia, UK.
  • 2015 – 2019: External Examiner, University of Surrey, UK; MA in Translation Studies.
  • 2013 – 2015: External Examiner, Leeds Beckett University, UK; UG Spanish Degree Studies.
  • 2012 – present: External PhD Examiner for Leeds Beckett University, UK; University of Sydney, Australia; Universidad Nebrija, Universidad de Alcalá, and Universidad de Murcia, Spain.
  • 2009 – present: range of Undergraduate and Postgraduate course work and dissertation supervision and examination; selected supervised topics: The Translation of Personal Pronouns and Sentence Final Particles in Japanese in “The Danish Girl”: Its Impact on Gender Stereotypes; The Translation of Spanish Satire into English; Dubbing and Censorship in Spain during Franco’s Dictatorship: a Descriptive Translation Studies Approach – “North by Northwest”; Subtitling dialect: a critical analysis of the English subtitles in “Bienvenue chez les Ch’tis”; The Pragmatics of Explicit 1st Person Plural Subject Pronouns in Spanish and Constructions of Solidarity in Hugo Chavez’s Political Discourse.
  • 2002-present: Examiner for DELE (Diplomas de Español como Lengua Extranjera).



  • 2017, September: Principal Organiser of the 39th Annual International Conference of the Association of Contemporary Iberian Studies at the University of East Anglia.
  • 2014, September: Principal Organiser of the 36th Annual International Conference of the Association of Contemporary Iberian Studies at the University of Westminster.



  • 2016 – 2019: Membership Secretary for the Association of Contemporary Iberian Studies in the UK.
  • 2016 – 2018: Head of Department of Language and Communication Studies, School of Politics, Philosophy, Language and Communication Studies.
  • 2009 – 2015: Member of the Exam Board for the School of Politics, Philosophy, Language and Communication Studies.
  • 2013 – 2015: Treasurer for the Association of Contemporary Iberian Studies in the UK.
  • 2009 – 2013: Director of Admissions for the School of Language and Communication Studies.
  • 2009 – 2012: Director of E-Learning for the School of Language and Communication Studies.
  • 2007 – 2014: Head of Spanish for the School of Language and Communication Studies.
  • 2002 – 2007: Academic Co-ordinator of Centro de Estudios Hispánicos, Universidad Nebrija, Spain.
  • 2004: Inspector and Quality Assessor for Instituto Cervantes, Instituto Hispania in New Delhi, India.




Pinto D. and De Pablos-Ortega, C. (2014) Seamos pragmáticos: Introducción a la pragmática española. Yale University Press: New Haven and London.


B. ARTICLES AND BOOK CHAPTERS (all peer-reviewed)

De Pablos-Ortega, C. (forthcoming) Support for Access to Audiovisual Media (SAAM): An Impactful Service-Learning Project. The Making of Accessible Audiovisual Translation, Peter Lang.

De Pablos-Ortega, C. (2020) Directive Speech Acts in English and Spanish Filmspeak. Sociocultural Pragmatics, 8 (1), pp. 105-125

De Pablos-Ortega, C. (2019) “Would it be fair to say that you actively sought out material?” Mitigation and aggravation in police interviews. Pragmatics and Society, 10 (1), pp. 50-77

De Pablos-Ortega, C. (2019) “I’m so sorry to disturb you but I wonder if I could have your autograph” vs “¿Me firma un autógrafo por favor?” Contrastive (In)Directeness in Subtitling. The Routledge Handbook of Translation and Pragmatics, pp. 205-224.

De Pablos-Ortega, C. (2019) Subtitles for Good, The Linguist (Journal of the Chartered Institute of Linguists – CIOL), 58, pp. 10-11.

Black, S. and De Pablos-Ortega, C. (2019), Digital Accessibility for Young Adults in Europe: Tools, Training and Participation, EuroScientist. (

De Pablos-Ortega, C. (2018) Analysis and Design of Learning Materials. The Routledge Handbook of Spanish Language Teaching: Metodología, recursos y contextos para la enseñanza del español. Routledge, pp. 80-93

De Pablos-Ortega, C. (2018) Pragmatics in Spanish L2 Textbooks: Perspectives from Spain. The Learning of Spanish Pragmatics: from Research to Practice, Routledge, pp. 53-73.

Pounds, G. and De Pablos-Ortega, C. (2016) Patient-centred communication in British, Italian and Spanish Ask-the- Expert healthcare websites. Communication and Medicine, pp.1612-1783.

De Pablos-Ortega, C. (2016) Pragmática en la formación de profesores de español como segunda lengua. Journal of Spanish Language Teaching, 3 (2), pp. 171-188.

De Pablos-Ortega, C. (2016) Cuestión de imagen: cine y marca España by Alfredo Martínez Expósito, Vigo, Editorial Académica del Hispanismo, 2015 Journal of Iberian and Latin American Research, pp. 109-111.

De Pablos-Ortega, C. (2015) “Thank you for a lovely day!” Contrastive Thanking in Textbooks for Teaching English and Spanish as Foreign Languages. Sociocultural Pragmatics 3(2) pp: 150–173.

De Pablos-Ortega, C. (2015) Audience Perception of Characters in Pedro Almodóvar’s Film The Flower of My Secret. Audiovisual Translation: Taking Stock, Cambridge Scholar, pp. 190-208.

De Pablos-Ortega, C. (2011) The pragmatics of thanking reflected in the textbooks for teaching Spanish as a foreign language.  Journal of Pragmatics, 43 (9). pp. 2411-2433.

De Pablos-Ortega, C. (2011) Las actitudes de los hombres y de las mujeres anglohablantes ante el agradecimiento en español: estudio contrastivo. Revista Nebrija de Lingüística Aplicada a la Enseñanza de las Lenguas, 10 pp. 2-21.

De Pablos-Ortega, C. (2010) Attitudes of English native speakers towards thanking in Spanish. Pragmatics, 20 (2). pp. 149-170.

De Pablos-Ortega, C. (2008) Análisis sociopragmático del acto de habla expresivo de agradecimiento en español. In: Proceedings of the III International Coloquium EDICE (Estudios sobre el Discurso de la Cortesía en Español).

De Pablos-Ortega, C. (2007) La interacción en el aula. Cuadernos CERVANTES, España.

De Pablos-Ortega, C. (2006) Dos escenas de Al Sur de Granada: propuesta didáctica para la clase de E/LE. Frecuencia ELE, Edinumen, España.

De Pablos-Ortega, C. (2005) La enseñanza de los aspectos sociopragmáticos en el aula de ELE. Proceedings  of the XVI ASELE Conference.

De Pablos-Ortega, C. (2005) La construcción del componente cultural en la clase de E/LE: propuesta didáctica a través del cine de Pedro Almodóvar. Frecuencia ELE, Edinumen, España.



  • 2021, 26th January, PGCE Secondary Modern Foreign Languages Programme, School of Education and Lifelong Learning, University of East Anglia, UK; Title: Using Film in MFL Teaching.
  • 2020, 21st January, PGCE Secondary Modern Foreign Languages Programme, School of Education and Lifelong Learning, University of East Anglia, UK; Title: Language Teaching and Audiovisual Resources.
  • 2020, 10th January, Webinario ProfeDeELE; Title: ¿Cómo fomentar la conciencia pragmática? Reflexiones y propuestas para el aula de ELE. Attended by 100 participants.
  • 2019, 21st March, BA in Education, TESOL: issues and challenges, School of Education and Lifelong Learning, University of East Anglia, UK; Title: Language in Use for Second Language Learning.
  • 2019, 22nd January, PGCE Secondary Modern Foreign Languages Programme, School of Education and Lifelong Learning, University of East Anglia, UK; Title: Using Films in Language Teaching.
  • 2018, 8th March, BA in Education, Teaching of English as a Second Language: issues and challenges, School of Education and Lifelong Learning, University of East Anglia, UK; Title: Pragmatics in Second Language Learning.
  • 2018, 8th February, PGCE Secondary Modern Foreign Languages Programme, School of Education and Lifelong Learning, University of East Anglia, UK; Title: Audiovisual Resources in Foreign Language Teaching.
  • 2017, 26th October, University Pablo de Olavide, Spain; Title: Audiovisual Translation Challenges.
  • 2017, 29th September, Department for Education Spanish Teachers Training, University of East Anglia, UK; Title: Lights, Camera and… Using Films for Language Teaching.
  • 2017, 5th July, Instituto Cervantes & Universidad Nebrija, Spain; Title: Introducción a la competencia pragmática.
  • 2017, 5th May, Department for Education Spanish Teachers Training, University of East Anglia, UK; Title: Subtitling: A Language Teaching Tool.
  • 2017, 7th March, Project on Multilingualism and Multicultural Awareness in Secondary Education Project, University of East Anglia, UK, Title: Hands-on Subtitling Using your Spanish.
  • 2017, 6th April, University of Alcalá, Madrid, Spain; Title: Let’s Be Pragmatic in the Teaching of Spanish L2.
  • 2016, 9th – 12th November, University College London, UK; Title: Audience’s Perceptions via Non-Verbal Language, Paralinguistic Features and Linguistic Representation of Speech Acts in Subtitling.
  • 2014, 10th January, Universidad Nebrija, Spain; Title: Research in L2 Spanish Pragmatics
  • 2014, 9th January, University of Zaragoza, Spain; Title: The Challenges of Audiovisual Translation: Subtitling Cultures.
  • 2010, 8th March, University of East Anglia, UK; Title: Attitudes of English Speakers Towards Thanking in Spanish.



  • 2021, 27th – 29th, Universidad Autónoma of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain, Media 4 All 9; Title: Creating digital accessibility training for young adults: users’ views and lessons learned.
  • 2019, 6th – 8th, University of Graz, Austria, Germanic Society of Forensic Linguistics Roundtable 2019; Title: Mitigation and aggravation in police investigative interviews
  • 2018, 29th June, Instituto Cervantes, Manchester, UK, XI Jornadas Didácticas de ELE; Title: Seamos Pragmáticos en la Didáctica de ELE.
  • 2018, 2nd – 4th May, University of Seville, Seville, Spain, 8th International Symposium on Intercultural, Cognitive and Social Pragmatics; Title: Pragmatic Representation of Directive Speech Acts in Spanish and English Films.
  • 2017, 15th – 16th June, University of Strathclyde, UK, Encuentro ELE UK; Title: Communicating beyond Words: Pragmatics in Spanish Teaching Materials.
  • 2017, 18th May, University of East Anglia, UK, Learning and Teaching Day; Title: Engaging with the Community whilst Developing Professional Practice through an Audiovisual Project.
  • 2016, 11th– 13th February, Sapienza Università di Roma & Università degli Studi di Roma Tre, Italy, Linguistic and Cultural Representations in Audiovisual Translation; Title: I’m so sorry to disturb you but I wonder if I could have your autograph vs ¿Me firma un autógrafo por favor? Contrastive (In)Directeness in Subtitling.
  • 2015, 4th November, University of East Anglia, UK, Enhancing security through efficient policing workshop, Knowledge Exchange Workshop, University of East Anglia; Title: Exploring police questioning from a cross-cultural perspective: Is there anything you would like to tell us about what happened at the party back in March of this year?”
  • 2015, 17th– 18th September, University of Western Sydney, Australia, 6th International Conference Media for All; Title: I wonder if you would be kind enough to give me a hand? Indirectness in Audiovisual Translation
  • 2015, 2nd November, University of Sydney, Australia, Title: Applied Linguistics in Audiovisual Translation and Language Teaching
  • 2014, 29th November, Durham University, UK, V Encuentro de Profesores de ELE en Centros Universitarios del Reino Unido; Title: “Seamos pragmáticos” en los Programas de Español como Lengua Extranjera
  • 2014, 26th– 28th June, Universidad Nebrija, Spain, II Congreso Internacional en Lingüística Aplicada a la Enseñanza de Lenguas: En camino hacia el plurilingüismo; Title: Action Research: Teaching and Learning Pragmatics in Spanish L2.
  • 2013, 26th– 28th June, University of East Anglia, UK, Cross-cultural Pragmatics at a Crossroads III: Making a Difference in Intercultural Communication; Title: Understanding and Promoting Appropriate Communication Practice in Ask-the-Expert Healthcare Websites: Insights from a Cross-Cultural Comparison.
  • 2012, 4th– 6th September, Kings College, UK, 34th Annual ACIS Conference; Title: Noisy Spaniards! A study on Pedro Almodóvar’s cinema
  • 2011, 3rd– 8th July, University of Manchester, UK, 12th International Pragmatics Conference; Title: The Pragmatic Representation of Thanking in English and Spanish
  • 2011, 29th June – 1st July, University of East Anglia, UK, Cross-cultural Pragmatics at a Crossroads II: Linguistic and Cultural Representation across Media; Title: Linguistic and Cultural Representation via Subtitling in Pedro Almodóvar’s film Labyrinth of Passion.
  • 2011, 28th June – 1st July, Imperial College, UK, 4th International Conference Media for All: “Audiovisual Translation: Taking Stock”; Title: Audience Perception of Characters in Pedro Almodóvar’s Film The Flower of My Secret.
  • 2010, 16th– 19th July, Kobe University, Japan, 18th International Pragmatics and Language Learning; Title: Socio-pragmatic Classification of the Speech Act of Thanking in Spanish.
  • 2010, 30th June – 2nd July, University of Basel, Switzerland, 5th International Symposium on Politeness; Title: Facework Values in the Speech Act of Thanking: A Contrastive Study in Spanish and English.
  • 2009, 9th– 12th September, New Bulgarian University, 44th Linguistics Colloquium: “Globalization, intercultural communication and language”; Title: Linguistic Attitudes of English Speakers Towards Thanking in Spanish.
  • 2009, 6th– 9th September, All Hallows College, Dublin, Ireland, 30th Annual ACIS Conference. Title: Recursos multi-media para la presentación de contenidos socioculturales en la España contemporánea.
  • 2009, 26th June, Birkbeck College. Symposium on Pragmatics and Intercultural Communication in Spanish. Title: La ficción como herramienta para el desarrollo de las competencias intercultural.



  • Journal of Pragmatics
  • Applied Pragmatics
  • Sociocultural Pragmatics
  • Journal of Spanish Language Teaching
  • An International Journal of Spanish Linguistics
  • Colombian Applied Linguistics Journal
  • Open Journal of Modern Linguistics and Educational Research and Reviews



  • Revista Nebrija de Lingüística Aplicada a la Enseñanza de Lenguas.
  • IPrAInternational Pragmatics Association.
  • ACISMembership Secretary of the Association of Contemporary Iberian Studies (2016 -2019).
  • ACISTreasurer of the Association of Contemporary Iberian Studies (2013-2015).
  • ACLES Asociación de Español como Lengua Extranjera.



Date Title Institution

2019 November

Cloud Subtitling Powered by OOONA

University of Roehampton, UK.

2019 November Subtitling with Open-Source Tools University of Roehampton, UK.
2018 June New Trends in Audio-visual Translation Universidad de Alcalá, Spain.
2018 February Mental Health Fist Aid Training MFHA England, UK.
2017 November Understanding Unconscious Bias University of East Anglia CSED, UK.
2016 July Accessibility to Media: Subtitling for the Hard of Hearing and Audio-Description University College London, UK.
2015 December Peer Observation of Teaching University of Sydney, Australia.
2015 November Foundations of Research Supervision University of Sydney, Australia.
2015 July Principles and Practice of University Teaching and Learning University of Sydney
2014 Dubbing Course Universidad San Jorge, Spain.
2014 March-May Making Videos: Camera Work University of East Anglia CSED, UK.
2013 March Introduction to Dubbing Imperial College, UK.
2011 November Respeaking: Live Subtitling Imperial College. UK.
2011 July Blackboard Upgrade Training University of East Anglia CSED, UK.
2011 May Advanced Subtitling Imperial College, UK.
2010 November Creating Assessments and Surveys in Blackboard University of East Anglia CSED, UK.
2010 May Introduction to Subtitling Imperial College, UK.
2010 March Best Practice in Research Supervision University of East Anglia CSED, UK.
2009 November Supporting Research Students in Supervisory Teams. University of East Anglia CSED, UK.
2009 October Getting Started with Elluminate University of East Anglia CSED, UK.
2009 June Teaching Film in Modern Language. The Higher Education Academy, UK.
2008 December Writing for Publication University of East Anglia CSED, UK.
2008 December Presenting Effectively using PowerPoint University of East Anglia CSED, UK.
2008 November Preparing Grant Applications in the Arts and Humanities University of East Anglia CSED, UK.
2008 October Creating Web Pages for the UEA Website University of East Anglia CSED, UK.
2008 October Advising Students University of East Anglia CSED, UK.



  • 2019, February: Erasmus + (€215,630) for Digital Accessibility for You.
  • 2018, August: HEIF Impact (£15,276) for Translation and Communication in Training Research Project (TACIT).
  • 2016, September: UEA Alumni Fund (£5,700) for Support for Access to Audiovisual Media Project (SAAM).
  • 2015, December: ESRC Impact Acceleration Account (£1,925) for Translation and Communication in Training Research Project (TACIT).
  • 2015-2017, ESRC, AHRC, UEA Impact Funding and HEFCE (£35,000) for Multilingualism and Multicultural Awareness in Secondary Education Project (MAISE).



  • 2021 – UEA Teaching Fellowship and Excellence in Teaching Award, University of East Anglia, UK.
  • 2019 – 1st Runner-up for the European award: AURORA Diversity and Equality. Project: Support for Access to Audiovisual Media – SAAM), Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
  • 2018 – 1st Runner-up for the national Threlford Cup competition. Commendation for “Fostering the Study of Modern Foreign Languages”: Support for Access to Audiovisual Media – SAAM), Chartered Institute of Linguists (CioL), UK.
  • 2017 – Individual Project Award (Support for Access to Audiovisual Media – SAAM), UEA Engagement Award, Faculty of Humanities, University of East Anglia, UK.
  • 2017 – Group Project Award (Translation and Communication in Training – TACIT), UEA Engagement Award, Faculty of Humanities, University of East Anglia, UK.
  • 2016 – Commendation for Excellence in Teaching: Outstanding quality of student feedback (SPAN1621 Spanish Language – Level 1), Faculty of Arts of Social Sciences, University of Sydney, Australia.
  • 2015 – Commendation for Excellence in Teaching: Outstanding quality of student feedback (SPAN2621 Spanish Film and Literature), Faculty of Arts of Social Sciences, University of Sydney, Australia.
  • 2011 – Award for Excellence in Teaching, Faculty of Humanities, University of East Anglia, UK.