On May 23, 24 and 25, the 10th edition of EPICS (Intercultural, Cognitive and Social Pragmatics Conference) was held.

The HUM-640 research group, made up of members from the University of Seville and the Pablo de Olavide University, has been organizing this series of international conferences for more than 20 years, with several books published to date.

This year, the congress will be held on the Pablo de Olavide University campus, with the theme “Pragmatics in times of global crisis: exploring communication online and offline”. The congress will feature the following plenary speakers:

  • Anne Barron, Leuphana University Lüneburg
  • Nuria Lorenzo-Dus, Swansea University
  • Crispin Thurlow, University of Bern

The three days of the conference were full activities, with more than a hundred participants and four parallel sessions, from 8:00 to 19:00. This year, due to the pandemic, the congress was multimodal, with both face-to-face and virtual sessions. In addition, the conference included social events such as a guided tour and an official conference dinner for all participants. The conference program can be accessed at the following link.

Three of the members of the DIHIS group (Manuel Padilla Cruz, Lucía Fernández Amaya and María de la O Hernández López) were part of the organizing committee of the congress. Some of the members of the DIHIS group were also present as speakers in various communications related to digital discourse and pragmatics. Among them were Carlos De Pablos Ortega, Patricia Bou Franch and Carmen Maíz Arévalo.

Image of the conference, where the organizers appear. In the first image, from left to right, Manuel Padilla Cruz (University of Seville), María de la O Hernández López (UPO), Lucía Fernández Amaya (UPO), Manuel Mejías Borrero, Rebeca Company Almagro and Bethany Aull. Below, four of the DIHIS members: Manuel Padilla, Lucía Fernández, María de la O Hernández and Carlos De Pablos.