Lucía Fernández Amaya

Lucía Fernández-Amaya is associate professor of English at Pablo de Olavide University, where she teaches EFL (Translation and Interpretation Bachelor’s Degree) and “Intercultural Competence” (Master’s Degree in International Communication, Translation and Interpretation). She holds a Ph.D. in English Linguistics from the University of Seville. Her research interests and publications focus on pragmatics, (im)politeness, the language of service encounters and digital discourse. Her most recent publications include articles published in Discourse and Communication (2021) and Pragmatics and Society (2022).

Associate Professor in Linguistics  


ORCID number: 0000-0002-5545-7548 

Google Scholar:  

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Research interests:  

  • Cross-cultural pragmatics and politeness.  
  • Intercultural communication and identity 
  • Disagreement and conflict  
  • Gender attitudes and self-presentation.  
  • Social media.  

Selected Publications Since 2010

1) Books 


2) Edited books 

  • Garcés-Conejos Blitvich, P., Fernández-Amaya, L. y Hernández-López, M. (eds.) (2019) Technology Mediated Service Encounters. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company. (247 páginas) ISBN: 978-90-272-0212-3 (Hardbound), 978-90-272-6299-8 (E-Book)  
  • Hernández-López, M. y Fernández-Amaya, L. (eds.) (2015) A Multidisciplinary Approach to Service Encounters. Studies in Pragmatics 14. Países Bajos: Brill. (251 páginas) ISBN: 978-90-04-26015-3 (Hardback), 978-90-04-26016-0 (E-Book)  
  • Fernández Amaya, L. et al. (eds.) (2012) New Perspectives on (Im)Politeness and Interpersonal Communication. Advances in Pragmatics and Discourse Analysis Series. Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. (285 páginas) ISBN: 1-4438-4171-4, ISBN (13): 978-1-4438-4171-9 


Book chapters (peer reviewed) 

  • Garcés-Conejos Blitvich, P. y Fernández-Amaya, L. (2023) “The off/online nexus and public spaces: Morality, civility, and aggression in the attribution and ratification of the Karen social identity” en Parini, Alejandro y Yus, Francisco (eds.) The discursive construction of place in the digital age. Abingdon: Routledge Press, 121-151.
  • Fernández-Amaya, L. (forthcoming) Women empowered through grey hair: analysis of self-presentation on Instagram profiles. In P. Garcés-Conejos Blitvich & Bou-Franch, P. (eds.) Evaluating Identities: Case Studies from the Spanish Speaking World. Palgrave.
  • Hernández-López, M. y Fernández-Amaya, L. (2019) “La cortesía 1” en Xosé Padilla y Placencia, M.E. (eds.) Guía práctica de pragmática del español. Routledge Press, 115-124. ISBN: 978-0-8153-5772-8 
  • Garcés-Conejos Blitvich, P., Fernández-Amaya, L. y Hernández-López, M. (2019) “An introduction to technology mediated service encounters” en Garcés-Conejos Blitvich, P., Fernández-Amaya, L. y Hernández-López, M. (eds.) Technology Mediated Service Encounters. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 1-16. ISBN: 978-90-272-0212-3 (Hardbound), 978-90-272-6299-8 (E-Book) 
  • Fernández-Amaya, L. y Hernández-López, M. (2019) “Gender variation in the perception of appropriate behavior in hotel service encounters in Spain” en Félix-Brasdefer, J.C y Placencia, M.E (eds.) Pragmatic Variation in Service Encounter Interactions across the Spanish-Speaking World. Routledge Press, 99-114. ISBN: 9780367727109
  • Fernández-Amaya, L. y Hernández-López, M. (2015) “Service Encounters and Communication: Why a Multidisciplinary Approach?” en Hernández-López, M. y Fernández Amaya, L. (eds.) A Multidisciplinary Approach to Service Encounters. Studies in Pragmatics 14. Ámsterdam: Brill, 3-13. ISBN: 978-90-04-26015-3 (Hardback), 978-90-04-26016-0 (E-Book)
  • Fernández Amaya, L. (2013) “Simultaneous Speech in American English and Spanish Telephone Closings” en Kecskes, I. & J. Romero-Trillo. (eds.) Research Trends in Intercultural Pragmatics. Mouton Series in Pragmatics. Vol. 16. Berlín/Boston: Mouton de Gruyter, 163-180. ISBN: 978-1-61451-511-1
  • Fernández Amaya, L. et al. (2012) “(Im)Politeness and Interpersonal Communication: An Overview” en Fernández Amaya. L. et al. (eds.) New Perspectives on (Im)Politenes and Interpersonal Communication, Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 1-35. ISBN: 1-4438-4171-4, ISBN (13): 978-1-4438-4171-9 


3) Papers in peer-reviewed journals 

  • Fernández-Amaya, L. y Márquez-López, A.M. (2022) “Análisis de la interrupción en el aprendizaje de segundas lenguas: la percepción de los estudiantes universitarios”, Círculo de Lingüística Aplicada a la Comunicación, 92: 187-198. . ISSN: 1576-4737, eISSN: 1576-4737. DOI:
  • Fernández-Amaya, L. (2022) “Politeness in hotel service encounter interactions in Spain: receptionist’s point of view”, Pragmatics and Society, 13(2), 251-276. ISSN: 1878-9714, eISSN: 1878-9722. DOI:
  • Fernández-Amaya, L. (2021) “Online disagreement in WhatsApp groups: A comparative study of Spanish family members and work colleagues”, Discourse and Communication, 15(5), 542-558. ISSN: 1750-4813 DOI:
  • Fernández-Amaya, L. (2020) “Managing conflict originated by feminism. A case study from WhatsApp interaction among Spanish family members”, Journal of Language Aggression and Conflict, 8(1), 88-117. ISSN 2213-1272, eISSN 2213-1280 DOI:
  • Fernández-Amaya, L. (2019) “Disagreement and (im)politeness in a Spanish family members’ WhatsApp group”. Russian Journal of Linguistics, 23 (4), 1065—1087. ISSN: 2687-0088, eISSN: 2686-8024 DOI:
  • Hernández-López, M. y Fernández-Amaya, L. (2019) “What makes im/politeness for travellers? Spanish tourists’ perceptions at national and international hotels”, Journal of Politeness Research: Language, Behaviour, Culture, 15 (2), 195-222. ISSN: 1613-4877 DOI:
  • Fernández-Amaya, L., M. Hernández-López y P. Garcés-Conejos Blitvich (2014) “Spanish travelers’ expectations of service encounters in domestic and international settings”, Tourism, Culture and Communication. 14(2), 117-134. ISSN: 1098304X DOI: 10.3727/109830414X14133839512703
  • Fernández Amaya, L. (2012) “Reseña de La lengua del turismo. Géneros discursivos y terminología. Maria Vittoria Calvi y Giovanna Mapelli (eds.)”, Pasos. Revista de turismo y patrimonio cultural, 10(4), 157-161. ISSN: 1695-7121


4) Presentations in national and international conferences – refereed 

  • Fernández-Amaya, Lucía (2024). “Senile and Ridiculous!” Using language to promote exclusion: an analysis of the interplay between digital ageism and sexism. iMean Conference. Bristol (United Kingdom). 19th-21st June 2024.

  • Fernández-Amaya, Lucía, & Hernández-López, María de la O (2024). Caught in the glare of ageism and misogyny: exploring digital violence against women on Madonna’s Instagram. 41 AESLA conference (Asociación Española de Lingüística Aplicada). Universitat Politècnica de València, Valencia (Spain). 17th-19th April 2024.

  • Garcés-Conejos Blitvich, P. y Fernández-Amaya, L. (2023) “Morality, civility and aggression in the attribution and ratification of the Karen social identity”. Panel “Language aggression and conflict in post-digital societies”. 18th International Pragmatics Conference. Brussels (Belgium), 9-14 July 2023.
  • Vladimirou, D. & Fernández-Amaya, L. (2022) “’Shut up and resign’: A contrastive investigación of gender-based online aggression on Twitter”. 1st International Seminar on Gender and Discourse (DISGEN1), Valencia, 27-28 October 2022.
  • Fernández-Amaya, L. (2022). “El empoderamiento femenino a través de las canas: análisis de las autopresentaciones en los perfiles de Instagram” IV Congreso Internacional RECOD: IV Congreso Internacional RECOD: En torno a la comunicación digital en español: cultura participativa y discurso en la red, Alicante, 6-7 October 2022.
  • Fernández-Amaya, L. “’Martin left the group’: Covid-19 crisis management as a source of conflict among Spanish workmates using WhatsApp”. 17th International Pragmatics Conference, Winterthur (Suiza), 27 Junio-2 Julio 2021.
  • Fernández-Amaya, L. “Online disagreement and (im)politeness in WhatsApp groups: A contrastive study of Spanish family members and workmates”, 13th International Conference on Im/Politeness – 7th iMean, Basel (Suiza), 24-26 Junio 2021.
  • Fernández-Amaya, L. “Disagreement and (im)politeness in a Spanish family members’ WhatsApp group”, 12th International Conference on Im/Politeness, Cambridge (RU), 17- 19 Julio 2019.
  • Fernández-Amaya, L. “Feminism as a source of conflict among family members: A case study from WhatsApp interaction”, presentada 2nd International Conference Approaches to Digital Discourse Analysis – ADDA 2, Turku (Finlandia), 23-25 de Mayo de 2019.
  • Fernández-Amaya, L. “(Im)politeness in service encounters in Spain: hotel receptionists’ point of view”, presentada en 11th International Conference on Im/Politeness, que tuvo lugar en Valencia (España), los días 4 al 6 de julio de 2018.
  • Fernández-Amaya, L. & Hernández-López, M., “’¿Todo bien’: Conversational structure and rapport in closing sequences at Spanish hotels”, presentada en 15th International Pragmatics Conference, que tuvo lugar en Belfast (Irlanda del Norte), los días 16 al 21 de julio de 2017.
  • Fernández-Amaya, L. & López-Márquez, A., “Ventajas y desventajas de la interrupción: percepción de los estudiantes de segundas lenguas”, presentada en XXXV Congreso de la Asociación Española de Lingüística Aplicada (AESLA), que tuvo lugar en Jaén (España), los días 4 al 6 de mayo de 2017.
  • Fernández-Amaya, L., Hernández-López, M. & Garcés-Conejos Blitvich, P. “A contrast between expected and experienced politeness in English-speaking contexts”, presentada en 14th International Pragmatics Conference, que tuvo lugar en Amberes (Bélgica), los días 26-31 de julio de 2015.
  • Fernández-Amaya, L., Hernández-López, M. & Garcés-Conejos Blitvich, P. “Conflict language in service encounters: Impoliteness at hotel reception desks”, presentada en 8th International Symposium on Politeness, que tuvo lugar en Huddersfield (RU), los días 9-11 de julio de 2014.
  • Fernández-Amaya, L., Hernández-López, M. & Garcés-Conejos Blitvich, P. “Receptionist-guest interaction and perceptions of politeness at hotels”, presentada en XXXII Congreso de AESLA, que tuvo lugar en la Universidad Pablo de Olavide de Sevilla, los días 3-5 de abril de 2014.
  • Fernández-Amaya, L. & Hernández-López, M. “Spanish tourists’ politeness perceptions at national and international hotels”, presentada en 4th Biennial Meeting of the International Association for the Study of Spanish in Society (SIS-EES) / 6th International Conference of Hispanic Linguistics, que tuvo lugar en Birbeck College, Londres, los días 3-5 de julio de 2013. (Carácter internacional)
  • Fernández-Amaya, L., Hernández-López, M. & Garcés-Conejos Blitvich, P. “Hotel service encounters: Spanish guests’ expectations under examination” presentada en 1st Service Encounters and Cross-Cultural Communication Symposium, que tuvo lugar en la Universidad Pablo de Olavide (Sevilla) los días 31 de enero y 1 de febrero de 2013.
  • Hernández-López, M., Fernández-Amaya, L. & Garcés-Conejos Blitvich, P. “Does nationality matter? Spanish guests’ expectations of im/politeness in national and international hotels” presentada en 1st International Pragmatics Conference of the Americas and the 5th International Conference on Intercultural Pragmatics, que tuvo lugar en UNC Charlotte (EEUU) los días 19-21 de octubre de 2012.