María de la O Hernández López

María de la O Hernández-López (PhD in English Linguistics) is a Lecturer at Pablo de Olavide University, where she teaches EFL (Translation and Interpretation Bachelor’s Degree) and “Intercultural Competence” (Master’s Degree in International Communication, Translation and Interpretation Bilingual education), among others. Her research interests and publications focus on pragmatics, (im)politeness, the language of service encounters and digital discourse. Her most recent publications include articles published in Journal of Politeness Research (2009) and Pragmatics and Society (2019) and Pragmatics (in press), all of them revolving around the genre of online consumer reviews (OCRs) and social media. Currently, she is leading a FEDER PROJECT that includes nine members from different universities. The project, which includes research in interaction online, is entitled “The Digitization of Human Interaction” (PA2223). The project has set the foundations of the DIHIS group and aims to gain insights into digital communication as an integral part of human activity and interaction.
Associate Lecturer in Linguistics
ORCID number: 0000-001-5470-1070
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Research interests:
- Digital communication
- Cross-cultural pragmatics and politeness.
- Intercultural communication and identity
- Disagreement and conflict
- Gender attitudes and self-presentation.
- Social media.
Selected Publications Since 2010
1) Books
Hernández-López, M. (2024) Changing Discursive Trends in the Online Review Genre: A Cross-Linguistic Study of BlablaCar. Brill. ISBN: 978-90-04-69411-8.
2) Papers in peer-reviewed journals
Hernández-López, M. (2024). When dissatisfactory experiences turn into conflict: a contrastive study of negative Spanish product and experience-based reviews on Trustpilot. Journal of Language aggression and Conflict (online first).
Hernández López, María de la O (2024) Millennial Identity Work in BlablaCar Online Reviews. Pragmatics, 34 (1): 134-159. DOI:
Hernández López, María de la O (2022). When travellers’ expectations are not met: Dispraise in Airbnb online consumer reviews. Journal of Language Aggression and Conflict, 8 (2): 241-268. ISSN 2213-1272. DOI:
Hernández López, María de la O (2019) “What makes a positive experience? Offline/online communication and rapport enhancement in Airbnb positive reviews” Pragmatics and Society, 10 (2): 177-204. ISSN: ISSN 1878-9714. DOI:
Hernández-López, María de la O (2019) “Relational work in Airbnb reviews” Russian Journal of Linguistics, 23 (4): 1088-1108. ISSN: 2312-9182. DOI: https://10.22363/2312-9182-2019-23-4-1088-1108.
Hernández-López, M. & Fernández-Amaya, L. (2019) “What makes im/politeness for travellers? Spanish tourists’ perceptions at national and international hotels”, Journal of Politeness Research: Language, Behaviour, Culture. 15 (2): 195-222. ISSN: 1613-4877. DOI:
Hernández López, María de la O (2016) “Disagreement and Degrees of Assertiveness in Service Encounters: Purchase vs Problem-Solving Interactions” International Journal of Society, Culture and Language, 4 (2): 87-104. ISSN: 2329-2210
Fernández-Amaya, L., M. Hernández-López & P. Garcés-Conejos Blitvich (2014) “Spanish travelers’ expectations of service encounters in domestic and international settings”, Tourism, Culture and Communication. 14(2),117-134. [ISSN: 1098304X]: DOI:
Hernández López, María de la O (2012) “When Health Matters: the display of emotions as relational practice in cross-cultural contexts”. Revista de Filología Inglesa. ES. ISSN: 0210-9689.
Hernández López, María de la O (2011) “Negotiation Strategies and Patient Empowerment in Spanish and British Medical Consultations”. Communication and Medicine, 8(2): 169-180. ISSN: 1612-1783. DOI:
Hernández López, María de la O (2010) “El Humor como Lengua de Contacto. ¿Estrategia afiliativa o de auto-afirmación? Estudio comparativo inglés-español de la lengua de contacto”. Odisea, 11, 285-299. ISSN: 1578-3820. DOI:
Hernández López, María de la O (2009) “Affiliative Strategies to Manage Rapport in Spanish and British Medical Consultations”. Estudios Ingleses de la Universidad Complutense, 17: 7-56. ISSN: 1133-0392. DOI: 10.1558/cam.v8i2.169.
Hernández López, María de la O (2008) “Rapport Management under Examination in the Context of Medical Consultations in Spain and Britain” Revista Alicantina de Estudios Ingleses, 21: 57-86.
3) Edited Books
Garcés-Conejos Blitvich, P., Fernández-Amaya, L. & Hernández-López, M. (eds.) (2019) Technology Mediated Service Encounters. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company. [ISBN: 978-90-272-0212-3]
Hernández-López, María de la O and Fernández-Amaya, Lucía (2015) A Multidisciplinary Approach to Service Encounters. Leiden: Brill.
Fernández Amaya, L., Padilla Cruz, M., Hernández-López, María de la O and Gómez Morón, R. (2012) New Perspectives on (Im)Politeness and Interpersonal Communication. Advances in Pragmatics and Discourse Analysis Series. Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
Gómez Morón, M. Padilla Cruz, L. Fernández Amaya and María de la O Hernández-López (eds) (2009) Pragmatics Applied to Language Teaching. Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
4) Book chapters
Hernández-López, M. (2024). Metacommunication and the discursive construction of identity in peer-to-peer reviews. In Evaluating Online Identities: Case Studies from the Spanish Speaking World. Palgrave MacMIillan (pp. 219-243).
Fernández-Amaya, L. & Hernández-López, M. (2019) “Gender variation in the perception of appropriate behavior in hotel service encounters in Spain” in Félix-Brasdefer, J.C & Placencia, M.E (eds.) Pragmatic Variation in Service Encounter Interactions across the Spanish-Speaking World. Routledge Press, 99-114. [ISBN: 978-1-138-47959-3]
Hernández-López, M. & Fernández-Amaya, L. (2019) “La cortesía 1” in Xosé Padilla & Placencia, M.E. (eds.) Guía práctica de pragmática del español. Routledge Press, 115-124. [ISBN: 978-0-8153-5770-4]
Carmona-Lavado, A. And Hernández López, María de la O (2015) “Customer perceptions of politeness as a differentiating element in Spanish restaurants encounters” IN A Multidisciplinary Approach to Service Encounters, edited by M. Hernández López and L. Fernández Amaya. Leiden: Brill. Pages 87-112.
Fernández-Amaya, L. and Hernández-López, M. (2015) “Service encounters and communication: why a multidisciplinary approach” IN A Multidisciplinary Apprach to Service Encounters. Leiden, Brill. Pages 3-12.
Hernández López, María de la O (2012) “Is it my Right or your Obligation? Phatic Communication to Manage Social Expectancies in Medical Encounters”. IN Language and Context edited by Pilar Garcés and Marcia Macaulay. Antares (York University)
Hernández López, María de la O (2012) “La Gestión de la Imagen en la Interacción Médico-Paciente: estudio transcultural inglés británico – español peninsular”. IN Pragmática y Comunicación Intercultural, edited by María Elena Placencia and Carmen García. London: Rodopi
Hernández López, María de la O (2010) “Principios Sociopragmáticos de la Interacción y Dinamismo de las Relaciones de Poder entre Médico y Paciente” IN La Descortesía en Español: Ámbitos Teóricos y Metodológicos de Estudio.
Hernández López, María de la O (co-authors: Reyes Gómez Morón, Manuel Padilla Cruz, Lucía Fernández Amaya) (2009) Incorporating Pragmatics to Foreign and Second Language Teaching. IN Pragmatics Applied to Language Teaching and Learning. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing
5) Presentations in national and international conferences – refereed
Hernández-López, M. & Fernández-Amaya, L. (2024) “Fighting against dominant discourses on blended families: Offline stigma vs online redefinition of stepmothering on Instagram”. 47th AEDEAN Conference, Universidad Pablo de Olavide (Sevilla), 6-9 November 2024.
Fernández-Amaya, L. & Hernández-López, M. (2024) “‘Estás vieja y no te va el cerebro’: Pathologizing women through gendered ageist attacks on Instagram”, Panel “Gender-based Violence and Activism in Digital Contexts”, 4th International Conference ‘EnTRetextos’, Universidad de Valencia, 23-25 October 2024.
Hernández-López, María de la O (2024). “We are not wicked stepmothers!”: Offline social exclusion and re-legitimization on Instagram. iMean Conference. Bristol (United Kingdom). 19th-21st June 2024.
Fernández-Amaya, Lucía, & Hernández-López, María de la O (2024). Caught in the glare of ageism and misogyny: exploring digital violence against women on Madonna’s Instagram. 41 AESLA conference (Asociación Española de Lingüística Aplicada). Universitat Politècnica de València, Valencia (Spain). 17th-19th April 2024.
Hernández-López, M. (2023). Are all negative reviews alike? A contrastive study of conflictual language in product and experience-based reviews. Panel: “Conflict talk in Spanish digital interactions”, 18th International Pragmatics Conference, Brussels, 9-14th July 2023
Hernández López, M. (2022). “La metacomunicación en las evaluaciones de BlaBlaCar: un estudio contrastivo”. ”, IV Congreso Internacional RECOD: En torno a la comunicación digital en español: cultura participativa y discurso en la red, Alicante, 6-7 October 2022.
Hernández López, María de la O (2021) Relational Work in the Carpooling Economy: A Cross-Linguistic Study of BlaBlaCar in Spain and United Kingdom. Symposium of Im/politeness –iMean Conference 24th -26th June 2021, Univeristy of Basel.
Hernández López, María de la O (2021) Millennials’ discursive practices in sharing economy platforms: The case of BlaBlaCar. 17th International Pragmatics Conference 27 June – 2 July 2021 Winterthur, Switzerland.
Hernández López, María de la O (2019) Dissatisfied but positive customers in Airbnb: The influence of perspective taking and silence theory on the Management of rapport and interpersonal communication. 12th International Conference on (Im)politeness. Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge (UK).17-19 July, 2019.
Hernández López, María de la O (2018) When traveller’s expectations are not met: dispraise and criticism in Airbnb online consumer reviews. Simpol11: 11th International Conference on Im/Politeness. Valencia (Spain). 4-6 July, 2018.
Hernández López, María de la O (2017) What makes a positive experience? Participation framework and structure in Airbnb rapport-enhancing reviews. 15th International Pragmatics Conference. Belfast.16 – 21 July, 2017.
Fernández-Amaya, L. & Hernández-López, M., (2017) ‘¿Todo bien?’: Conversational structure and rapport in closing sequences at Spanish hotels” 15th International Pragmatics Conference. Belfast. 16- 21 July 2017.
Hernández López, María de la O (2018) Participation Framework and Onlne/offline communication in Airbnb. iMean Conference. Bristol (UK). 6-8 April, 2018.
Hernández López, María de la O (2016) Mind your Readers: Participation Framework and Rapport in Airbnb Review. EPICS VII. Seville (Spain). 2-4 May 2016.
Fernández-Amaya, L., Hernández-López, M. & Garcés-Conejos Blitvich (2015) “A contrast between expected and experienced politeness in English-speaking contexts”. 14th International Pragmatics Conference. Antwerp (Belgium). 26-31 July, 2015.
Fernández-Amaya, L., Hernández-López, M. & Garcés-Conejos Blitvich, P. (2014) “Conflict language in service encounters: Impoliteness at hotel reception desks”. 8th International Symposium on Politeness. Huddersfield (UK). 9-11 July 2014.
Hernández López, M. y Fernández Amaya, L. (2014) “Receptionist-guest interaction and perceptions of politeness at hotels”. XXXII Congreso de AESLA. Pablo de Olavide University, Seville. 3-5 April, 2014.
Fernández Amaya, L. y Hernández López, M. (2013) “Spanish tourists’ politeness perceptions at national and international hotels”. 4th Biennial Meeting of the International Association for the Study of Spanish in Society (SIS-EES) / 6th International Conference of Hispanic Linguistics. Birbeck College, London. 3-5 July 2013.
Fernández Amaya, L., Hernández López, M. & Garcés-Conejos Blitvich, P. (2013) “Hotel service encounters: Spanish guests’ expectations under examination”, 1st Service Encounters and Cross-Cultural Communication Symposium, Pablo de Olavide University, Seville (Spain).
Hernández López, M. Fernández Amaya, L. & Garcés-Conejos Blitvich, P. (2012) “Does nationality matter? Spanish guests’ expectations of im/politeness in national and international hotels”, 1st International Pragmatics Conference of the Americas and the 5th International Conference on Intercultural Pragmatics, UNC Charlotte (EEUU).
Fernández Amaya, L., (2012) Convenor (with Hernandez-Lopez, M. & Garcés-Conejos Blitvich, P.) Panel – Service encounters. I AMPRA – Pragmatics of the Americas /V ICUP – Intercultural Pragmatics International Conference, UNC Charlotte, October 19-21, 2012.
Fernández Amaya, L., Hernández López, M. & Garcés-Conejos Blitvich, P. (2011) “Assessments of Im/Politeness in Hospitality Communication: Spanish Guests’ Expectations and Perceptions of Behaviour in their Interaction with English-Speaking Hotel Receptionists”, 12th International Pragmatics Association (IprA), Manchester University, UK.
Hernández López, María de la O (2011) “Towards the quantification of politeness: measuring degrees of assertiveness and affiliation in institutional interaction”. IPRA (International Pragmatics Organization). 12th International Pragmatics Conference. Manchester, 3-8 july, 2011.
Hernández López, María de la O (2010) Rapport Management in Institutional Settings: remarks, limitations and further developments. 4th International Conference: Intercultural Pragmatics and Communication. Madrid, 15-17 November, 2010.