The DIHIS group gathered together once again at the 18th International Pragmatics Conference in Brussels (Belgium) in July 2023 to present their contributions in a joined panel called “Conflict talk in Spanish digital interactions” organized by María de la O Hernández-López and Lucía Fernández-Amaya.

The topics aimed to contribute to the growing body of existing research in relation to Spanish digital interactions. More specifically, the DIHIS group members talked about different issues that are of increasing interest to researchers, such as corrective facework in hosts’ responses to AirBnb negative reviews (Patricia Díaz-Muñoz & Carmen Maíz-Arévalo), conflictual language in online reviews (María de la O Hernández-López), Latino identity online (Patricia Bou-Franch & Pilar Garcés Conejos-Blitvich) and epistemic personhood on Twitter (Manuel Padilla Cruz).