The results of our international research have materialized in the following publications, reports and media appearances


Abootorabi, H., Shankar, R. K., Rasmussen, E., & Wiklund, J. (2024). Do Hybrid Goals Pay off? Social and Economic Goals in Academic Spin‐Offs. Journal of Management Studies, 61(1), 110–140.
Adomako, S., Zhu, F., Hsu, D. K., Istipliler, B., & Wiklund, J. (2024). Navigating Environmental Threats to New Ventures: A Regulatory Fit Approach to Bricolage. Journal of Management Studies. .
Awaworyi Churchill, S., Munyanyi, M. E., Trinh, T.-A., & Wiklund, J. (2024). From disastrous heat waves to extreme rains: Effects of weather shocks on entrepreneurship. Journal of Business Venturing Insights, 21. .
Bort, J., Wiklund, J., Crawford, G. C., Lerner, D. A., & Hunt, R. A. (2024). The Strategic Advantage of Impulsivity in Entrepreneurial Action: An Agent-Based Modeling Approach. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 48(2), 547–580.
Brophy, M., Pérez-Luño, A., & Cooney, T. M. (2024). Competency-based training within the prison system: enhancing the likelihood of entrepreneurial activity upon release. Journal of Education and Work, 1–17.
Drencheva, A., Stephan, U., & Patterson, M. (2024). Beyond the lone hero: How interpersonal feedback seeking helps entrepreneurs to engage with their social environment. Applied Psychology, 1–43.
García-Cortijo, M. C., Castillo-Valero, J. S., & Pérez-Luño, A. (2024). The proactive role played by sustainable wineries at times of economic crisis. British Food Journal.
Nguyen, B., Tran, H.-A., Stephan, U., Van, H. N., & Anh, P. T. H. (2024). I can’t get it out of my mind” – Why, how, and when crisis rumination leads entrepreneurs to act and pivot during crises. Journal of Business Venturing, 39(4).
Pérez-Luño, A., Aguilar-Caro, R., & Muñoz-Doyague, M. F. (2024). The influence of personality and team-member exchange on creativity: a gendered approach. Gender in Management, 39(1), 145-164.
Stephan, U., Strauss, K., Gorgievski, M. J., & Wach, D. (2024). How entrepreneurs influence their employees’ job satisfaction: The double-edged sword of proactive personality. Journal of Business Research, 174, 114492.
Thurik, A. R., Audretsch, D. B., Block, J. H., Burke, A., Carree, M. A., Dejardin, M., Rietveld, C. A., Sanders, M., Stephan, U., & Wiklund, J. (2024). The impact of entrepreneurship research on other academic fields. Small Business Economics, 62(2), 727–751.
Waldman, D. A., Stephan, U., Song, Z., Erez, M., & Siegel, D. (2024). Organizational behavior and human resource management perspectives on entrepreneurship: Lessons learned and new directions. Personnel Psychology, 77(1), 3–22.
Wiklund, J., Tran, M.H., Rahm, R. (2024). Neurodiversity and Entrepreneurship. In: Patton, E., Santuzzi, A.M. (eds) Neurodiversity and Work. Palgrave Studies in Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Indigenization in Business. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
Martín-Hidalgo, F., Herrero, I & Pérez-Luño, A. (2023). The Lights and Shadows of Family Involvement in Small‐ and Medium‐Sized Firms. Journal of the knowledge Economy.
Stephan, U; Zbierowski, P; Pérez-Luño, A., Wach, D, Wiklund, J, et. al, (2022). Act or wait-and-see? Adversity, agility, and entrepreneur wellbeing across countries during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Pérez-Luño, A., Díez Piñol, M., & Dolan, S. L. (2022). Exploring high vs. low burnout amongst public sector educators: COVID-19 antecedents and profiles. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19 (2).
Drencheva, A., Stephan, U., & Patterson, M. G. (2022). Whom to Ask for Feedback: Insights for Resource Mobilization From Social Entrepreneurship. Business & Society.
Stephan, U.; Rauch, A., & Hatak, I. (2022). Happy Entrepreneurs? Everywhere? A Meta-Analysis of Entrepreneurship and Wellbeing. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice.
Stephan, U. (2022). Cross-Cultural Innovation and Entrepreneurship. Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior, 9, 277-308.
Yu, W., Wiklund, J., & Pérez-Luño, A. (2021). ADHD Symptoms Entrepreneurial Orientation (EO), and Firm Performance. Entrepreneurship theory and practice. 45 (1), 92–117.
Lee, Wiklund, J., Amezcua, A., Bae, T. J., & Palubinskas, A. (2021). Business failure and institutions in entrepreneurship: a systematic review and research agenda. Small Business Economics.
Patel, Rietveld, C. A., Wolfe, M. T., & Wiklund, J. (2021). The Polygenic Risk Score of Subjective Well-Being, Self-Employment, and Earnings Among Older Individuals. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 45(2), 440–466.
Ko, Wiklund, J., & Pollack, J. M. (2021). Entrepreneurial Team Diversity and Productivity: The Role of Family Relationships in Nascent Ventures. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 45(2), 386–417.
Hatak, Chang, M., Harms, R., & Wiklund, J. (2021). ADHD symptoms, entrepreneurial passion, and entrepreneurial performance. Small Business Economics, 57(4), 1693–1713.
Abootorabi, Wiklund, J., Johnson, A. R., & Miller, C. D. (2021). A holistic approach to the evolution of an entrepreneurial ecosystem: An exploratory study of academic spin-offs. Journal of Business Venturing, 36(5), 106143
Shepherd, Wiklund, J., & Dimov, D. (2021). Envisioning Entrepreneurship’s Future: Introducing Me-Search and Research Agendas. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 45(5), 955–966.
Inceoglu, Arnold, K. A., Leroy, H., Lang, J. W. B., & Stephan, U. (2021). From Microscopic to Macroscopic Perspectives and Back: The Study of Leadership and Health/Well-Being. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 26(6), 459–468.
Mickiewicz, Stephan, U., & Shami, M. (2021). The consequences of short‐term institutional change in the rule of law for entrepreneurship. Global Strategy Journal, 11(4), 709–739.
Drencheva, Stephan, U., Patterson, M. G., & Topakas, A. (2021). Navigating interpersonal feedback seeking in social venturing: The roles of psychological distance and sensemaking. Journal of Business Venturing, 36(4), 106123–.
Sonnentag, Stephan, U., Wendsche, J., de Bloom, J., Syrek, C., & Vahle-Hinz, T. (2021). Recovery in occupational health psychology and human resource management research: An Interview with Prof. Sabine Sonnentag and Prof. Ute Stephan. German Journal of Human Resource Management, 35(2), 274–281.
Williamson, Gish, J. J., & Stephan, U. (2021). Let’s Focus on Solutions to Entrepreneurial Ill-Being! Recovery Interventions to Enhance Entrepreneurial Well-Being. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 45(6), 1307–1338.
Nicolaou, N., Phan, P. H., & Stephan, U. (2021). The Biological Perspective in Entrepreneurship Research. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 45(1), 3–17.
Wach, Stephan, U., Weinberger, E., & Wegge, J. (2021). Entrepreneurs’ stressors and well-being: A recovery perspective and diary study. Journal of Business Venturing, 36(5), 106016–.


Spain GUESSS Report MUJER UNIVERSITARIA elecciones de carrera, espíritu emprendedor y felicidad
Global Report – Entrepreneurship during the Covid-19 Pandemic A global study of entrepreneurs’ challenges, resilience, and well-being
UK | Entrepreneurship and Covid-19 Challenges and opportunities An assessment of the short- and long-term consequences for UK small businesses
Germany “Herausforderungen und Folgen der COVID-19- Pandemie für Solo-Selbstständige und KMU in Deutschland”
India Entrepreneurship after COVID-19: An assessment of the short- and long-term consequences for Indian small business
Spain Capeando el estres de ser Emprendedor en tiempos de COVID-19
Sweden (Egen-)Företagare under och efter COVID-19


King’s College London Toll of pandemic on entrepreneurs’ mental health revealed in new report
BBC London Evening News Has Covid hit London entrepreneurs particularly hard?
Institut für Mittelstandsforschung (IfM) Bonn What can we learn from the Covid Crisis?
Al Jazeera Surviving Covid
University of Waterloo News Engineering a new normal: Faculty researchers and alumni share their COVID-19 research and expert opinions on life now and post-pandemic (online summary)
WIRED The pandemic has hit female entrepreneurs hard
Waterloo Engineering Alumni Letter Tapping into creativity
The Guardian Covid leaves 6m UK small businesses and 16m jobs in ‘precarious position’
Financial Times How lockdown encouraged young people to step up their side hustles
New Zealand Herald, Fox, A. Business owners feeling lonely and neglecting health, abrupt changes not what the doctor ordered: study
King’s Business School Entrepreneurs and COVID-19: how to deal with stress, stay resilient and regain control
New Zealand Herald, Harris, R. Covid 19 coronavirus Sleep one of the keys to productivity and positive emotions during Covid-19 and beyond
King’s Business School Navigating the Stresses of Being an Entrepreneur
The Conversation How entrepreneurs have the most stressful – yet most satisfying – jobs
LSE Business Review Rest and constructive thinking feed entrepreneurs’ creativity
Business magazin Poduzetnici iz BiH otpuštali manje u odnosu na globalni prosjek
Portal mreza izgradnje mira Ekonomski fakultet UNSA: Efekti pandemije na poduzetnike u svijetu i BiH
University of Sarajevo Efekti pandemije na poduzetnike u svijetu i BiH objavljeni u najnovijoj globalnoj studiji
Portal Studomat Ekonomski fakultet UNSA: Efekti pandemije na poduzetnike u svijetu i BiH
Portal Oslobodjenje Pametne vlade će podržati poduzetnike
Portal Raport Istraživanje iz Londona: Kako je pandemija utjecala na bh. poduzetnike
TU Dresden Unternehmertum in den Zeiten von COVID-19. Praktische Implikationen
Berliner Wirtshaft Tanz am Abgrund
Tag 24 Neue Studie: Wie krank macht die Corona-Krise auch ohne Ansteckung
T-Online TU Dresden untersucht Corona-Auswirkungen auf Unternehmer
Welt Sachsen TU Dresden untersucht Corona-Auswirkungen auf Unternehmer
Das Absolventenmagazin der TU Dresden Pandemie und Selbstständigkeit
Agencja Informacyjna Dobra kondycja polskich przedsiębiorców wobec SARS-CoV-2
Nauka w Polsce Międzynarodowe badanie: polscy przedsiębiorcy w czasie pandemii odporni psychicznie
Polska Agencja Prasowa Międzynarodowe badanie: polscy przedsiębiorcy w czasie pandemii odporni psychicznie
Radio eM Nowości i trendy w ekonomii
TVP3 Gdzie i jak szukać pracy w czasie pandemii
Globo News 52% dos empresários acreditam que vão crescer após a pandemia
La Vanguardia Un informe de la UPO alerta de que sólo una de cada diez universitarias se decanta por emprender
Europapress Un informe de la UPO de Sevilla alerta de que sólo una de cada diez universitarias se decanta por emprender
Diario de Sevilla Más felices y altruistas, así son las estudiantes universitarias españolas Aislamiento social e insatisfacción laboral: mujer emprendedora y autónoma, más golpeada por la pandemia que el hombre
Diario de Sevilla Covid-19, mujeres docentes y ‘burnout’
ABC Las emprendedoras ricas también lloran
UPO Seis de cada diez emprendedores considera la existencia de su negocio amenazada por el coronavirus
Europapress UPO constata que el 60% de emprendedores ve amenazada la existencia de su negocio por el Covid
ABC ¿Qué efectos ha tenido el Covid en los 500.000 emprendedores andaluces?
UPO La pandemia por COVID-19 pasa factura emocional entre las mujeres emprendedoras
La Razón Un estudio de la UPO advierte de la “factura emocional” de la pandemia a las mujeres emprendedoras
ESBRI Entreprenörer i kris behöver skyddsnät

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