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Las presentaciones en congresos se realizan en diversos países con el fin de comunicar o difundir la información obtenida por nuestros proyectos.

Presentaciones en congresos

Academy of Management Annual Conference 2021

Agility or Wait-and-See? How the Covid-19 Crisis Impacts Entrepreneurs’ Well-being across Countries

29 July – 4 August 2021

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The Impact of Psychological Vulnerabilities, Gender and Venturing Stage on Entrepreneurial Wellbeing. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2021(1), 15987–.

Tran, Wiklund, J., Yu, W., & Perez-Luño, A. (2021).

26 Jul 2021

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Agility or Wait-and-See? How the Covid-19 Crisis Impacts Entrepreneurs’ Well-being across Countries. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2021(1), 11848–.

Ute Stephan , Przemyslaw Zbierowski , Ana Pérez-Luño , Dominika Wach , Marisleidy Alba Cabañas , Edgard Barki , Alexandre Benzari , Claudia Bernhard-Oet , Janet Boekhorst , Arobindu Dash , Adnan Efendic , Constanze Eib , Pierre-Jean Hanard , Tatiana Iakovleva , Satoshi Kawakatsu , Saddam Khalid , Michael Leatherbee , Jun Li , Sharon Parker , Jingjing Qu , Francesco Rosati , Sreevas Sahasranamam , Tomoki Sekiguchi , Marcus Alexandre Yshikawa Salusse , Nicola Anne Thomas , Olivier Torres , M.K. Ward , Johan Wiklund , Amanda Jasmine Williamson and Mohsin Zahid

26 Jul 2021

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FALF 2021

Covid-19-pandemin - en tid att upptäcka nya affärsmöjligheter? Betydelsen av psykologiska resurser bland svenska företagare

14-16 June 2021

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Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference 2021

Entrepreneurs thriving through crises: Psychological wellbeing as a protective factor in difficult times

8-11 June 2021

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DIANA 2021: Female Entrepreneurship and Family Firms

Keynote: Women Entrepreneurs’ Well-Being (in the Covid-19 Pandemic)

20-21 May 2021

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Presidential Council for Entrepreneurship, Poland

Przedsiębiorcy i ich firmy w czasie pandemii: Wyzwania i szanse

19 March 2021

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Global Entrepreneurship Network UK

Flying Lessons for Women Entrepreneurs.

9 March 2021

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89 London

The effects and consequences of Covid-19 on SMEs

23 February 2021

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Westminster Business Forum policy conference

Priorities for supporting new businesses to start and scale up in the UK

26 January 2021

Public Policy Exchange

Tackling Youth Unemployment, Covid & Beyond: Closing the Skills Gaps, Promoting Entrepreneurship and Developing Viable Solutions

12 January 2021

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Business Fights Poverty

Why the pandemic disproportionately affects women entrepreneurs

3 December, 2020

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Global Entrepreneurship Week

"Entrepreneurs' Well-being and Resilience: Why you should care about your well-being as an entrepreneur, and how you can do that"

20 November, 2020

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European Commission SME Assembly 2020

Expert Roundtable, The impact of COVID-19: Challenges and Opportunities for SMEs, Society and Policy in Europe

Kauffman Foundation Entrepreneurship Issue Forum

Health, Health Care Access and their Impact on Entrepreneurship: Landscape and Policy Considerations

29 October, 2020

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IfM Bonn (German Institute for SMEs)

Ways out of the Corona-19 crisis, International Expert Roundtable

29 October 2020

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Entrepreneurs and Covid-19: How to Deal with Stress, Stay Resilient and Re-Gain Control

12 may 2020

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Organization of Conferences, Workshops and Seminars

News and Upcoming Events
