El equipo de GISAP

Master´s Degree in Social Investigation applied to Environment. Degree in Environmental Sciences

maiteibuxeda (@) gmail.com


Urban social-ecological systems. I am interested in analyse the city as ecosystems; from their components, spaces, flows, functions to social relations, contesting process, resistance, transformation facing the capitalist and heteropatriarchy system.
Social and participatory action research.
Feminism research
Environmental conflicts

Lugares donde ha investigado

Río de Janeiro, Leon, Luneburg, Seville.

Proyectos fuera del GISAP

- Environmental recovery of the sandbar of Mambucaba, Paraty, RJ (Brazil) by means of ecological nucleation skills. Department of Applied Ecology of the UFRJ (2008-2009).
- Effect of the nitrogen deposition in the heaths of Calluna vulgaris, Ecology Department of the Leon University (scholar 2009-2011) and Lüneburg (Germany) (Erasmus practices, 2011).
-Ecoanchoa-09, AZTI-tecnalia (summer practices, 2009).

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